Spring has come and gone and we are now plunged into full Summer weather.
Luckily, as yet, we have not had much of the humidity that makes our Summers so hard to cope with.
The lack of any rain at all through August to November meant that our Spring was a pretty colourless affair with the almost complete absence of annual flowers in dry suburban gardens.
Thankfully we have our lovely tropical trees to add colour to our city.
The lovely purple Jacarandas have now a disappeared from the streets of Brisbane to be replaced with a blaze of vibrant red in the form of the Poinciana trees.

These large trees need a large garden to grow in
Luckily, as yet, we have not had much of the humidity that makes our Summers so hard to cope with.
The lack of any rain at all through August to November meant that our Spring was a pretty colourless affair with the almost complete absence of annual flowers in dry suburban gardens.
Thankfully we have our lovely tropical trees to add colour to our city.
The lovely purple Jacarandas have now a disappeared from the streets of Brisbane to be replaced with a blaze of vibrant red in the form of the Poinciana trees.
These large trees need a large garden to grow in
and are found in gardens and street plantings all over Brisbane especially in older suburbs where the trees can be very big.
You may remember I wrote about them here .
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Yesterday Tony came upon this cute fellow.
It's a mail box made out of old gas bottles !
People are clever aren't they?
Collecting the mail would be fun every day.
I'd never be able to resist having a chat with him as I checked his tummy for any post.