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Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Does anyone out there have a spare set of earplugs?
I'm so sick of listening to politicians every time I turn the TV on.
If you don't know by now who you will be voting for, you must have been asleep for the last 3 years !
For Heaven's sake Tony don't just pose for the photo like that , give the smarmy idiot a big shove and get it over with !!!
September 7th can't come soon enough !!!


  1. I don't think there is a pair of Ear Phones anywhere in the world that will block out those two!! :-)

    This is one time that I don't mind that all we seem to watch on tele is sport! sport and then a little bit more sport!

    and then I go into my sewing room.........

  2. Guess who you will be voting for then! Are they like our politicians all tarred with the same brush though?

  3. I don't know anything about the politicians there but your blog is funny. It is the same here with elections and TV and that surely is not funny.

  4. I think the real issue of this election is that we don't have any really good choices in terms of voting.

    Ive stopped watching TV altogether at the moment!

  5. I have fortunately avoided the debates thus far. I believe ABC Radio are running a forum this week at night to cut through all the double speak. And I enjoy AM on the radio in the mornings as they work their way around the country talking to real people, rather than the politicians.
