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Thursday, February 14, 2013


Things have been very quiet around here.
We are missing our little mate a lot.
For the last 30 years we've been welcomed home by a fathful wagging tail
( first it was Sunshine then Baker & Dash )

and were not really in the mood for Valentine's Day.....

but some lovely friends rallied around and off we went for a picnic dinner at our latest favourite spot.

We had a lovely time, even when a sudden shower of rain interrupted dessert!

... and my fella gave me these pretty things

Hope your Valentine's Day was spent with someone special too.

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  1. Your fella has nice taste! Well of course he does; he married you, didn't he?

  2. I'm sure you will feel sad for a long time yet Helsie, but I'm pleased you had a nice time with Tony and your friends. Love the jewellry, very tasteful.

  3. I knew "The Ton" was a keeper a long time ago. Perfectly lovely. I bet the new frig and aircon were his gifts....he-he... try to have a great weekend. I know times are tough and you both a missing your pal. Big hugs your way....Kate

  4. It's been a rough week for you . I'm glad you were able to spend Valentines Day doing something low key but fun.

    And Oh my - that jewellery is pretty special!

  5. I'm so glad you were able to be with friends and enjoy their company.
    Your fella has done well. Gorgeous jewellery.
    Take care,
    Anne xx

  6. Aw, sweeeeeet! You are a romantic pair, aren't you? I'll never forget that video you put up of yourselves one time. Was it anniversary or Valentines? I can't remember. But what a hoot!
