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Tuesday, October 5, 2010



  1. Oh yummy, chocolate cake. And is that jam and cream I can see in the middle. I'm consuming calories just by looking at this decadence! :-)

  2. Looks delicious, I hope you'll tell us what the pink is in the middle - when you get your words back!!

  3. Good Grief...I want a piece of this so bad.

    It's awesome to see you are not mingy with your icing like some people are either. I want to taste that stuff. I'm from the "why put it on there if you arent going to pile it on " camp.

    Looks delectable.

  4. You are right... no words are need... I just gained 5lbs, looking at this yummie.

  5. I don't think I'd manage any words if I had a great mouthful of that glorious cake :D

  6. Damn you for posting that. I'm going to dream of it how when I go to bed!
