In Australia we call wild horses Brumbies.
Brumbies have featured in poems and stories about the settlement of our country and of course there's the wonderful poem "The Man from Snowy River" which was made into a movie about 30 years ago.
The Brumbies of the Snowy river area still roam the National Park today and are the object of fierce debate about the damage that they do to the National Park.
I recently stumbled onto a Facebook page written by a couple who follow and photograph these lovely wild horses and these are their photos, not mine.
I understand that there are many different groups of brumbies. Families collected by a stallion which move and live and breed under his protection.
Some groups are large and some only number about six or seven.
Reproduction seems to be going well
with most groups containing foals of different ages.
Here is one of the stallions.
Isn't he magnificent ?
Some herds are full of bays and blacks
and some are mostly greys
like this herd.

These photos were taken in an area where the bushfires of last year have left their mark but thankfully the horses have survived the fires and are thriving.

* Snowy Brumby Photography Adventures with Michelle and Ian