Today, the 26th January is Australia Day.
The day we celebrate the landing of the First Fleet, led by Captain Arthur Phillip, bringing a human cargo of convicts, first at Botany Bay then moving to a much better place for a settlement at Port Jackson in 1788.
So the settlement of Australia by white Europeans began.
Of course the Aboriginal people like to call it "Invasion Day".
Today for the first time the Aboriginal flag is flying beside the Australian flag from the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge not far from where that first settlement began.
In Sydney the weather looked good and everyone was in party mood enjoying themselves on Sydney Harbour.
All over the country Citizenship Ceremonies were taking place in City Halls and the same thing was taking place in Canberra led by the Prime Minister. and the Governor General ( both women at the moment )
Here they are posing with a group of proud new Aussies.
and look, here's actress and comedienne Miriam Margolyes who became an Aussie today too !
Up here in Queensland the weather quickly deteriorated as we await the arrival of a large tropical low which has whipped up huge dangerous seas, keeping families out of the water but hardy souls braved the windy conditions to spend the last days of the Summer holidays at the beach
So, how have we spent Australia Day?
We drove to Wynnum on Moreton Bay about an hour from home and Tony took these photos this morning.
The usually busy foreshore was almost deserted
and the usually calm bay looked angry as the waves lashed the sea wall.

The usually crowded picnic facilities were silent except for the sound of wind and rain
and the busy Port of Brisbane at the mouth of the Brisbane River was barely visible across the bay.
Let's hope all these boats are securely tied up so that they weather tonight's storm without any damage.
The BBQ we were going to tonight has been cancelled due to the weather .
The forecast for tonight is up to
300mls of rain!
Yes 300mls! That's
12 inches !
(A place near Gladstone had a metre of rain today - 36+ inches )
Due to some clever advertising it has become tradition to eat lamb for dinner on Australia Day
so it's Roast Lamb for tea !