Friday, November 26, 2010


Today I'm joining in with Mrs Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday.
Just click on the button to join in.
Today my favourite things are.........

my Mum .....

and Dad !

Both in their 89th year

Pictured here at their 60th wedding anniversary four years ago with their message from the Queen,

and here at their wedding.

They are down visiting for a few days so I'll be busy with them, catching up with family and friends.

I'll catch up with all of you after they have departed on Wednesday.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hello my Blogland friends, I hope all is well in your world today.
Recently, as I have been flitting from blog to blog, I have read several posts about writing comments on people's blogs and about replying to those comments that have been kindly written on your own blog.

Through these "conversations" I discovered that a couple of my wonderful blogmates had been replying to my comments via email and I was not receiving them !

Oh no! I was missing out on vital communications !
I had no idea that this was even possible.

However, with the aid of these two wonderful ladies ( thank you Shay and Marg ),
I was finally able to remedy this situation and lo and behold there were others there replying to my comments too!!

So my friends
if you have been emailing replies to me and have had your kind replies ignored
I am truely sorry...

I have been sailing along
blithely unaware of your communications.

It's time I got my act together and reviewed my settings and my blog setup instead of coasting along with my head in the clouds.
I promise I will spend some time soon doing just that!


Sunday, November 21, 2010


Whew, it's been a busy weekend !

First, on Saturday morning, we went to the market to buy plants with Sally.
Then, on Sunday, we drove to the Gold Coast to help her do a bit of landscaping on her duplex.
She has painted her new fence and front door a lovely bright blue and it makes a nice backdrop for her plants.

What a place to run out of paint - right next to her front gate !

We found a lovely pot in exactly the same blue.

Tony spent some time last week putting in a stone edge to hold the soil a little better.

Look at this striking bromeliad in another of those lovely blue pots.
It sits beside the front door.

All planted and ready for sugarcane mulch.

Planted just in time for the growing season.

Probably added thousands to the value of her home !!!!


Thursday, November 18, 2010


Yep , it's Friday again so time to link up with Mrs Pyjamas for FFF.

I have posted once before about today's favourite thing here but that was long ago before I came to know a lot of you so I'm posting again today because they are such a strong favourite.

Today's Favourite Things are ....

mangoes ! 

Nothing beats a beautiful, ripe  Kensington Pride or Bowen Special


At this time of year they make their appearance in the shops ...

or on suburban trees ( if you are lucky enough to have one in your backyard )

Last week we bought a case of 18 ( for $18 !) 

so I have started my day each morning with half of one of these

and finished the other half for dessert each night.

Bliss !


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010


Oh my, I'm hooked !

I've just finished reading these two and all I can think of is "who do I know who has the third one?"

The second one in the series finished on such a knife edge that I am desperate to start the next one !

Don't you love a good book?


Saturday, November 13, 2010


Tonight we are having visitors
but it's cook's night off!

So we have a new cook taking over...

Yes, it's the man of the house .....
cooking his specialty.

Mushroom Risotto

..... from this recipe .

He adds a handful of roasted pine nuts and some frozen peas.

Yummmmmmm !

Thursday, November 11, 2010


As usual on Fridays I'm joining in with Mrs Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday.
Why not come on over and join us? ( Just click on the button on the right )

OK today I'm going to tell you something about me.
I'm a bit of a dork about music.
Ask my family.
I don't know anything about bands and artists.
Hate modern music
and Country and Western
and Jazz.

I love music that is easy to listen to ( like the music of the 60s ),
that has a tune you can hum
or words to sing along.
I love light clasical music
not heavy stuff
but the sort of music that doesn't hurt your ears.

And so we come to today's Favourite Thing or Things in today's case.

My Number One Favourite song at the moment is Susan Boyle singing "Who I was born to be"

I love her voice and this song really speaks to me.

Then there's Sarah Brightman.

Her voice is as pure as a bell. 

So there you have it  - two very different women
one's a bit daggy
and the other's a bit dolly...
 but I love them both !


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's Jacaranda time in Brisbane.

Do you remember this time last year Tony and I travelled south to Grafton in New South Wales to see the Jacaranda Festival ?
I wrote about it here.

There are literally thousands of these beautiful trees scattered all over Brisbane.

They can grow to be very large, shady trees.

I took these photos yesterday, just a small selection of the hundreds of Jacarandas blooming around my suburb.

Even the tiny baby trees are covered in flowers.

Underneath these trees is a carpet of purple .

When we had an acre of garden we had ten of these beautiful trees in our garden.

LoVe  them !


Monday, November 8, 2010


Tuesday morning started out like this.

The view from my front door. As you know I like this type of weather.
It makes the grass green and keeps the temperature down.

Then later on when I ventured outside again, I found this.

Just propped up there on Tony's sneekers!

A treasure just waiting for me!
Of course , camera in hand, I rushed to open it.

It is a give away from the lovely Kim from Kimbles at Home.
All the way across the sea from England !

Look !

A whole lot of little surprises wrapped in red!

A handy shopping list to go on my fridge...

just waiting for Christmas lists!

A lovely hand crocheted sachet of lavender from Kim's own garden.

And it's in the lovely African Flower pattern that I have been admiring so much.

I wonder if I will ever be able to crochet one of these. They are soooo pretty.

But wait, there's more.

A dear little heart decoration for my Christmas tree...

and this soap.

The smell is  DiViNE !

Well what a haul !
Thank-you Kim  soooo,  soooo much.
I'm absolutely delighted with my parcel and all the lovely gifts.

You've brightened up my day.
