Sunday, November 21, 2010


Whew, it's been a busy weekend !

First, on Saturday morning, we went to the market to buy plants with Sally.
Then, on Sunday, we drove to the Gold Coast to help her do a bit of landscaping on her duplex.
She has painted her new fence and front door a lovely bright blue and it makes a nice backdrop for her plants.

What a place to run out of paint - right next to her front gate !

We found a lovely pot in exactly the same blue.

Tony spent some time last week putting in a stone edge to hold the soil a little better.

Look at this striking bromeliad in another of those lovely blue pots.
It sits beside the front door.

All planted and ready for sugarcane mulch.

Planted just in time for the growing season.

Probably added thousands to the value of her home !!!!



  1. Lovely garden. Looks like you were busy and productive.

    I am so not a gardener.....and am green with envy.

  2. Looks lovely and neat, I hope she found some more paint!

  3. It looks lovely, I love bromeliads. A fabulous improvement.

  4. Looks great - hope she was able to get a small pot of the paint to finish it off! Lucky girl to have such a nice little courtyard garden.

    Jane x

  5. You know I would never have considered painting a fence blue, but it looks fantastic! The blue pot tops it off. Very pretty garden spot.

  6. Hi Helsie,
    Just flying over to say hi!
    Sorry I've been quiet.
    Great posts, I've just been catching up with you.
    Nice to see Tony doing a bit of cooking!
    Love the blue paint. I always love to see blue in the garden.
    Glad you are okay and still blogging!
    Love suex

  7. Hi Helen
    Just saw your comment on Angst. I always email reply to your comments and have just realised you have your blog comments set to no reply. So I have been replying into thin air. If you would like people to respond to your comments you need to change your settings.

  8. Lovely. People in the UK like painting their fences blue too.
    I have just been reading 'The Lovely Bones' by Alice Seebold - great book - and people in the book lived in a duplex. What's a duplex? Will I rember to come back and visit this comment? Probably not. Oh, but you are very busy with your parents. I'll google it.
