Friday, November 26, 2010


Today I'm joining in with Mrs Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday.
Just click on the button to join in.
Today my favourite things are.........

my Mum .....

and Dad !

Both in their 89th year

Pictured here at their 60th wedding anniversary four years ago with their message from the Queen,

and here at their wedding.

They are down visiting for a few days so I'll be busy with them, catching up with family and friends.

I'll catch up with all of you after they have departed on Wednesday.



  1. Gosh Helen, aren't you like your Mum as a young woman? How lucky you are to have both your lovely parents still with you. Have a wonderful time with your family.

  2. Of course they'll be your favourite things/people! I wish I had my Mum here still although she would be 96 and my father who died in his 40s would be 108 now!!! Enjoy your time with them - it's so precious.

    Jane x

  3. Enjoy the time with your parents. They look as happy at the 60 year as when they married. Thanks for sharing!

  4. How cool! Love the wedding pix...the bouquets are gorgeous...

  5. Ah, this is such a sweet blog! Good on you!

  6. Hope you have a wonderful visit with them, love the photos.

  7. Hello helen,
    First of all what lovely photos of your Mother and Father.
    Secondly, My Grandmother had a telegram off the Queen for her 100th Birthday.
    What a lovely keepsake.

    It must cost her a bomb sending all these cards out!
    I'm really pleased you shared these photos with us.
    have a good weekend.
    Love Suex

  8. How lovely, they still look so happy, it's so nice to be able to spend some time with your parents.
    I love their wedding photo and the bouquets are gorgeous.

  9. You're so fortunate to have both your parents to be able to spend time with. Yep I think you look like your Mum!

    What a beautiful wedding photgraph. 60 years of marriage is certainly something to be proud of!

    Have a fabulous few days with your folks!

  10. What adorable parents! How lucky you are to still have them in your life. My Dad would have been 89 (and Mom 86) this year.

  11. What a wonderful tribute to your parents. Enjoy your time together!

  12. I hope you are having a lovely time together.

  13. I hope you all have a truly lovely time. I am sorry I have not been commnting for a while but as you know I only blog at work usually, and it has got much busier. Today, a Sunday, I will be catching up but don't worry about commenting on the comments: you have enough to keep you occupied!

  14. This is a beautiful FTF :-) A message from the Queen how exciting for your mum and dad!

    Have a great weekend with them :-)

  15. How wonderful that your parents are still alive! My mother died in 1957 and my father in 1967. I miss them every day.

  16. Enjoy each and every one of those precious moments. Love the wedding pic.

    We will all be here when you return.
