Monday, November 8, 2010


Tuesday morning started out like this.

The view from my front door. As you know I like this type of weather.
It makes the grass green and keeps the temperature down.

Then later on when I ventured outside again, I found this.

Just propped up there on Tony's sneekers!

A treasure just waiting for me!
Of course , camera in hand, I rushed to open it.

It is a give away from the lovely Kim from Kimbles at Home.
All the way across the sea from England !

Look !

A whole lot of little surprises wrapped in red!

A handy shopping list to go on my fridge...

just waiting for Christmas lists!

A lovely hand crocheted sachet of lavender from Kim's own garden.

And it's in the lovely African Flower pattern that I have been admiring so much.

I wonder if I will ever be able to crochet one of these. They are soooo pretty.

But wait, there's more.

A dear little heart decoration for my Christmas tree...

and this soap.

The smell is  DiViNE !

Well what a haul !
Thank-you Kim  soooo,  soooo much.
I'm absolutely delighted with my parcel and all the lovely gifts.

You've brightened up my day.



  1. Lovely giveaway! Lucky you and I hopethe day remained cooler for you. After a brilliant sunny day yesterday we now have wind and rain here and temperature is 9 degrees!


  2. Oooh nice presents, the African flower sachet is beautiful. A lovely surprise, lucky you.

  3. What a lovely day you had. Arent surprises the best !

  4. Oh, my, goodnes... What a find. I love the A.F. ornament. Now, I know what to do with my box full. Perfect for gift tags, with my bows.

  5. Lovely gifts, lucky you! I had a bit of a giggle to see the package propped up on a pair of sneakers - how funny is that? Thank you so much with your advice on my scarf dilemma, very much appreciated.
