Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's Jacaranda time in Brisbane.

Do you remember this time last year Tony and I travelled south to Grafton in New South Wales to see the Jacaranda Festival ?
I wrote about it here.

There are literally thousands of these beautiful trees scattered all over Brisbane.

They can grow to be very large, shady trees.

I took these photos yesterday, just a small selection of the hundreds of Jacarandas blooming around my suburb.

Even the tiny baby trees are covered in flowers.

Underneath these trees is a carpet of purple .

When we had an acre of garden we had ten of these beautiful trees in our garden.

LoVe  them !



  1. How beautiful Helsie! Could we have a close up of the blossoms?


  2. Beautiful purple. You dont see many of these where I live.

    They are certainly an imposing tree.

  3. Hi Jane and Shay,
    They are lovely aren't they. There is a close up at the beginning of the post I mentioned at the beginning of this one, so you can see what the flowers are like Jane.

  4. Hi Helsie,
    Thanks for your comments!
    My Mother would love a cutting, could you send me one please!
    Joking. My Mother would love these trees, she is purple mad! The photographs are simply lovely, thank you for sharing.
    Hugs Suex

  5. Thanks Helsie - I really should check before opening my mouth! Guess it was because I'd just heard from my traveller that she'd been stood up and there was nobody to meet her at the station (Kal) as planned - all sorted and OK now thank goodness but sometimes mobile phones are a mixed blessing! Those blossoms look beautiful.


  6. That is divine! we had a cherry tree which gave us a pink carpet, but i adore that mauve blossom!

  7. You know what I love about blogging. Is as we are putting everything to sleep here for the winter. You are bring all your color to life for us. And most of your plants and trees are so new and fun to see.

    Yes, made it through the night, no problem. Off to make some ICE coffee as hot is not allowed for another day.....

  8. Those Jacaranda trees have cheered me up no end Helsie. When we were in Brisbane some years ago visiting our friends who live in Bellbowrie the colour of those trees blew me away. Just beautiful!

    Glad to see Sally is back from her trek - a fantastic experience.


  9. Those are beautiful! I don't think we have any wild blue trees here.

  10. Good day to you, Helsie. I'm here by following a link from the blog of rhymeswithplague. Thank you for sharing your photos of the jacaranda trees. They are beautiful! I have one weeping cherry tree in my own garden and it's beautifully pink when it blooms, but those lovely purple blossoms are a real show-stopper.
