Thursday, November 11, 2010


As usual on Fridays I'm joining in with Mrs Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday.
Why not come on over and join us? ( Just click on the button on the right )

OK today I'm going to tell you something about me.
I'm a bit of a dork about music.
Ask my family.
I don't know anything about bands and artists.
Hate modern music
and Country and Western
and Jazz.

I love music that is easy to listen to ( like the music of the 60s ),
that has a tune you can hum
or words to sing along.
I love light clasical music
not heavy stuff
but the sort of music that doesn't hurt your ears.

And so we come to today's Favourite Thing or Things in today's case.

My Number One Favourite song at the moment is Susan Boyle singing "Who I was born to be"

I love her voice and this song really speaks to me.

Then there's Sarah Brightman.

Her voice is as pure as a bell. 

So there you have it  - two very different women
one's a bit daggy
and the other's a bit dolly...
 but I love them both !



  1. Susan has the voice of an angel, i still have to put up with the country and western my husband loves, the rot my son likes, and my daughter loves all the modern girly stuff! At least its variety!

  2. Eeeeeeeeks... I'm surprised you still stop by my garden.....he-he... You do know I don't really listen to all that music. I'm usually in silence, so I can hear my mind think.....I know that's a scarey thing....

    Two of my favorite picks,

  3. I'm with you there - my musical tastes are very similar to yours. Anything easy and not too highbrow for me and why not eh?!


  4. Ok I'll be a rebel, I listen to Triple J, but my kids make me turn it off when they hear rude words, sometimes I have to turn it off because some of it is just CRAP, but I like the fact that there are no commercials and there is always something different to listen to and I have found some music that I really like, and have bought some albums from artists that I probably wouldn't have heard of if I listen to the commercial stations.

  5. Sorry to say I'm not very familiar with either of your favorite artists. I'll have to check them out. Almost anyting goes in this house, old rock, new rock, Celtic, classical guitar.

  6. Love your choices in music! I'm surprised you didn't post the jacarandas as a favourite thing...your previous post was fabulous. My goodness the colours were awesome.

  7. Okay, if I agree that yes you are a dork am I being rude?
    Susan Boyle - Oh dear.
    Sarah Brightman - well I never thought that much of her until she was on a chat show once and being teased about Andrew Lloyd Webber long after they were divorced and the host was implying that its only because he is a very rich musical impressario that anyone would marry him. She shot the host down straight away saying "no, its because he has a big willy"! Brilliant.

  8. I was brought up in a household that only listened to classical music. Being forced to listen to only that, I rebelled and having a teenage daughter I now pretty much only listen to top 40 stuff, jazz and I still love the music from seventies and eighties.
    I agree both your choices have beautiful voices but they are just not "my cup of tea".
    It would be very boring if there was only one type of music in the world, we are so lucky that we are able to listen to the type of music that we love. We do agree on something though, I really don't like country and western.

  9. I think music is so personal. I like all sorts but mainly 80's, 90's, and current songs.

    Diversity is what makes the world an interesting place. I love the Susan Boyle story but havent listened to any of her music.

    Great FTF!

  10. Sarah have a voice like an angel. I love that duet she sings with Andrea Bocelli... "Time to Say Goodbye". I also love the music from the 50s, 60s and some 70s. When they play the oldies but goodies in the stores I'm singing and dancing. And..unfortunately I can't carry a tune. I hate's crap. I don't care for jazz either but I do love Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" and "An American in Paris". I like some country...Alan Jackson...I love his voice and his songs (he writes them too). And as I mature I like Frank Sinatra too and Bing Crosby. The pop music from the 50s is great...Doris a favorite. Classical as you mention is wonderful. I love band music too...marches...comes from my school years playing clarinet in marching and concert band.
