Sunday, November 7, 2010


Isn't it amazing how quickly squares can become a quilt?
I put in a bit of time on this quilt last week and the main part is now done.
I've come to like the colour combination.
I hope it's owner will too.

This week's task will be to find a couple of border fabrics and some backing.
I thought a flannelette backing would be soft and cuddly but don't know if I'll find flannelette anywhere at this time of year.

Now ..... a word about Christmas.
I'm well along the way with my present organisation  - very unusual for me to be this organised.
The big news is Christmas will not be held here, at my place again this year !
That makes two years off in a row !

On that cheerful note I'll leave you for today



  1. Two years of bliss....way to go.
    You quilt is coming along so nicely. I have a couple of blogs I follow that are quilters. I'll try to find them and send them to you.
    Thanks for your kind words over the last couple of days.
    Off to get some needed sleep.

  2. Oh Helsie _ I am so pleased for you that Christmas will not be your responsibility this year and hope that you will enjoy it wherever you spend it. That quilt looks great - just wish I had the necessary patience to make one too but a cushion cover is about as far as I can go!

    Jane x

  3. I love that quilt so much. (and they aren't my usual colour combos either) What are you thoughts for the borders?

    Christmas is at my sisters this year. I'm about as excited as you are.

  4. Loving this quilt. Love the colors and pattern. Can't wait to see the finished product.

    I can't even begin to think about Christmas yet. One holiday at a time....

  5. Your quilt is looking great. I just love those shades of blue and brown together!
