Monday, November 15, 2010


Oh my, I'm hooked !

I've just finished reading these two and all I can think of is "who do I know who has the third one?"

The second one in the series finished on such a knife edge that I am desperate to start the next one !

Don't you love a good book?



  1. Do hope you manage to get hold of the next one! I must look out for them in the library - had heard of them of course and this author has had several of his books in the top 10 at the same time in the past months so guessed they must be good.

    By the way - in answer to your question my daughter is more of an Eyore than a Tigger I am afraid!!


  2. I do, I do, I do... and we are both done. Too bad you don't live right down the street or I would drop it by. But, then we would get chatting and you wouldn't get to it till the new year. Loved them. The third is better than the second, but not as good as the first. We just watched the second one on DVD. Good find. Right now, I'm reading THE RED QUEEN...

    Read On,

  3. Isn't it fabulous when you find a series of books you love. But...what will you do when you finish the series!

  4. I have it!!! well I did have, but its been doing the rounds with my daughters ☺
    I was totally hooked too and went and saw the movie AS SOON as it came out. And for the first time in a long time - the movie stuck with the book

  5. Ah, interesting - have been seeing these on Amazon kindle books for a while and wondering 'will I? won't I' - might purchase them at the next visit!

  6. This is what I love about my Kindle. Someone loaned me a paper copy of the first book and before I had it half read, I downloaded the other 2 onto my Kindle. So I was able to finish the series without a trip to the book store. The characters in these books were fascinating.
