Thursday, September 30, 2010



Actually, books are probably my  favouritest  favourite thing !

If you want to know the name of that bird in the garden - I've got a book that will help you!
When we went holidaying on the Great Barrier Reef we needed to know the names of the fish we came face to face with while snorkelling.
Advice on plants ? Look it up.

Hobbies ( past and present ),


We've got them covered too.

Then there are novels to read.

Dan Brown, Adrianna Triggani, Jeffrey Acrher, Nora Roberts, Colleen McCullough

and don't forget JK Rowling !

Most books are passed around to friends then travel to the library of Mum and Dad's Retirement Village.

Tony has his War books and he loves to read about Bushrangers 

and these days these Lonely Planets are our bibles.

Always on my bedside table you'll find a few.....

and what am I reading at the moment ?

No matter where I go I never venture far without a book to read.

Are books your favourite things too ?


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hello there everyone.
I've been off visiting Mum and Dad in their little house in the Retirement Village in Hervey Bay.
They are so happy there, so all is well.

It didn't take long for all the buds I showed you last week to come out.
Spring is well and truely here.

All the native plants in the backyard are in full bloom.

I've been busy cutting out my next project.
This is my least favourite part - very tedious and a little stressful.......

but it is all done now and ready to go.
Now I've just got to get to work sewing those strips on to make 64 ( 8x8) blocks.

I'm off today to buy some fabric for some Christmas projects and I'm also looking for some yarn for my crochet practice rugs.
I hear there is a SALE!


Thursday, September 23, 2010


My comfy recliner chair !

Does this say something about me or what ?!!!
I've only owned this chair for about 4 years - we bought a new suite for our family room when we moved into this house.
So we have a recliner chair each.

It's a good place to store my learn-to-crochet rug.

It's where I sit to work on my learn-to-crochet rug !!

And sometimes, when the recliner is in position, ...........

it's where I rest when I'm working on my learn-to-crochet rug !!



This sad old tissue box cover has to go.
It's old and grubby ( you can see how grubby when you are up close )
and falling apart.
The colour scheme doesn't really fit into this house either.

So, with this piece of material left over from the cushions in the family room, I set about making a new one.

Wadding first, then cut out the material to fit an old tissue box.

A bit of craft glue and some pegs to hold it till it dries.

Cut the hole in the top and glue it down, some binding to finish it off and ...

Voila !!

Another project finished !


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010


I'm so depressed !

Yes, I think depressed is the word for how I feel.
I'll tell you why. ( Bear with me this could take a while !!)

Some days I have something organised to do on my busy social calendar that requires me to be out of the house by 9:00am.
Sometimes on those days I jump out of bed, dash into the shower and wash my hair
before I think of having breakfast etc.

On these occasions I put on my undies but don't really want to get completely dressed.
You know, I have to sit down and eat my brekky, start up the computer and catch up with my blogland friends from the other side of the world - those of you who have been blogging while I've been asleep.

Then I clean up a bit before I rush around getting dressed, putting on make-up , doing hair and all the rest.

Now I don't want to frighten anyone by walking around in my underwear for a couple of hours!....
and anyway it gets a little chilly sometimes .......
and I do sit in front of a window at the front of the house while I'm on my computer.

So what to wear?
Can't be bothered with clothes.

What I want to wear is a ......brunch coat !

 BRUNCH COAT (noun)- a woman's short housecoat or wrapper.

OK, OK, I can almost see all of you out there shaking your heads and smirking !!

"Brunch coats are old fashioned !" I hear you say.

But they are just the thing for Queensland.

It's too hot for a dressing gown like this....

and these are too hot too......

and for the life of me I can't keep them closed at the front!!!

No it's an old fashioned brunch coat that I want.

Not this old fashioned !!!

or like like this .....

 but more like this  !

This morning I've been out at the shops looking for a brunch coat and I couldn't find one anywhere !

So that's why I'm depressed. 
I'm outdated and old fashioned !!! 

Do any of you out there wear brunch coats ?
Cheers. ( I guess )

PS. Can you see Tony and I swanning around in these outfits ?

 This is what the real thing looks like !!!



Spring is here.
The temperature is in the mid twenties during the day - around fourteen at night.

In our back garden yesterday I spied these.

Peeking through the flowers.

and at a recent visit to a friend's house I found these.

We've had a cooler, rainy day today and we're in for a wet week.

Just what we need !


Friday, September 17, 2010


In my dining room I have a bookshelf where I have made a display of blue plates.
Not expensive ones but quite pretty all the same.

So when I had to choose a project while learning some new ( to me !) quilting blocks I decided to make some table mats to match the plates.

You know, I've been doing them for months - one tablemat a month !
Well this week I've been working hard on them and...

I'm finished !

So here's the big "Ta -da !"

Need a closer look?

There's even a little table runner for the centre.

It all reflects in the mirror, you see?

I'm quite pleased with them.


Thursday, September 16, 2010



You may think this is a strange thing to write about here on FTF.
It probably is...
but as a Baby Boomer who was born and educated in Queensland, I've spent my whole school life reading and studying about England.

Oh , we studied Australian history and literature  too - what there is of it.  Our country was, after all, only settled 230 years ago... ( and remembering I was at school 45 years ago - OMG !!!)

Anyway, our literature studies were full of images of daffodils !

Poems, stories.....

I WANDER'D lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils,
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.


I never saw daffodils so beautiful they grew among the mossy stones about and about them, some rested their heads upon these stones as on a pillow for weariness and the rest tossed and reeled and danced and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind that blew upon them over the lake, they looked so gay ever dancing ever changing.


So as an adult I always had a burning desire to go to England to see the daffodils!

In 2008 I finally got my wish and we flew off to England on the 1st of April - in time to see the daffodils!

Oh, I was not disappointed!

As we travelled around they were everywhere ....
and when I came upon these near Chipping Campden I was finally satisfied!

They were just as I had imagined.


Now I have my own little English daffodil preserved forever as a momento.