Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hello there everyone.
I've been off visiting Mum and Dad in their little house in the Retirement Village in Hervey Bay.
They are so happy there, so all is well.

It didn't take long for all the buds I showed you last week to come out.
Spring is well and truely here.

All the native plants in the backyard are in full bloom.

I've been busy cutting out my next project.
This is my least favourite part - very tedious and a little stressful.......

but it is all done now and ready to go.
Now I've just got to get to work sewing those strips on to make 64 ( 8x8) blocks.

I'm off today to buy some fabric for some Christmas projects and I'm also looking for some yarn for my crochet practice rugs.
I hear there is a SALE!



  1. Oohhh!!! What are you up to now???? Love blues and browns combined. You are making me itch to try a little something.
    Sales!!! Yeah

  2. You are tantalising us with those fabric strips. What Christmas projects are you making this year?

  3. Isn't it sweet that as we are putting summer and the flowers away for another year....we can always visit you now for our color. Glad to hear The Ps are doing well. YOu are such a good daughter....

    And a sale... where?
