Thursday, September 30, 2010



Actually, books are probably my  favouritest  favourite thing !

If you want to know the name of that bird in the garden - I've got a book that will help you!
When we went holidaying on the Great Barrier Reef we needed to know the names of the fish we came face to face with while snorkelling.
Advice on plants ? Look it up.

Hobbies ( past and present ),


We've got them covered too.

Then there are novels to read.

Dan Brown, Adrianna Triggani, Jeffrey Acrher, Nora Roberts, Colleen McCullough

and don't forget JK Rowling !

Most books are passed around to friends then travel to the library of Mum and Dad's Retirement Village.

Tony has his War books and he loves to read about Bushrangers 

and these days these Lonely Planets are our bibles.

Always on my bedside table you'll find a few.....

and what am I reading at the moment ?

No matter where I go I never venture far without a book to read.

Are books your favourite things too ?



  1. Hello Helsie,
    I love books. I fell in love with books when I started reading 'The Secret Seven' by Enid Blyton when I was about 8. Since then I've moved on to a bit more sophisticated reading. :-) I read 'Lord of the Rings' in one week when I was 14. School bus trips in the country made for fab. reading time. I discovered Georgette Heyer the same year and 'These Old Shades' would have to be one of my favourite books. Who can forget 'The Thorn Birds', love, love, love that book. Have you tried the author Lee Childs and his series about the character Jack Reacher? Well worth a read, but start with the first book so you can see the character development.
    I visit our library at least two times a week and I've always got about 20 borrowed. The books I borrow are novels and topics that cover craft, decorating, travel, gardening, cooking and painting. I'm not happy unless I'm surrounded by books.
    Happy reading Helsie.


  2. As you know already, Helen, I too love books and always have one 'on the go'! However, there are NO BOOKS available where I am in PNG and they are so heavy to carry back from Aus all the time so now Nick and I have a Kindle and download our books from Amazon (Nick is also an avid reader - but we don't read the same kind of books!)- how the world has changed - from Enid Blyton in my early years (like Anne) to now downloading the latest release electronically! By the way, the kindle is great for travelling too!

  3. We have similiar tastes Helen, except for the horsey books and I have severely trimmed the travel books. Hubby is not a big reader, but if Ned Kelly is there, he is interested and War stories too.
    I haven't read your upper bedside books, but demolised Steig Larssen - loved all of them, once I worked out, or not, his detailed parts

  4. Oh yes. I have something for most subjects, I inherited all my Mums books when she downsized into sheltered accomodation. Lonely Planet is my fav travel guide, I have quite a few on the shelves. I get upset if I am going somewhere and they haven't got a book for it!

  5. OOh me too, second to fabric that is! :D

  6. There are some shared interests there too: horses (+ ponies), birds, topography of the British Isles and the world. I tried to read The Da Vinci Code but I must be too thick because I just couldn't work out what the heck was going on, so I won't be trying any more of his. Wouldn't mind seeing a film version though.

  7. Snap, books are my favourite things too this week. I have the What Bird is That Book (I was going to be a zoologist when I was younger) don't know what happened to that.

  8. We have so many in our house it's ridiculous. We had to do a cull before moving in and for my husband in particular, it was the hardest decision of all.

  9. Right with you on this one Helen. Like Maria I now download mine, on to my iPad. I still love the "real thing", but when going on holidays, one iPad takes up a whole less weight and room than the 4 books I would have taken.

  10. It would be hard for me to decide which is my most favorite, books or quilting. We converted what was supposed to be a formal living room into a library, one whole wall is filled with book shelves. We still don't have room for them all! JK Rowling and Nora Roberts are favorites of mine as well. I especially like Nora Roberts writing as J.D. Robb. Enjoy your reading!

  11. You have a wider selection than the local library Helen!

    I couldn't live in a world without books. Your bookshelf thrilled me.

    It's so great to know so many people love reading and I can't get over your wide ranging interests. I de-cluttered about 5 years ago and gave away about 400 books I'd been carting round forever and constantly adding to.

    Thanks for linking up to FTF this week.

  12. I'm a book fan too, mostly nonfiction. Bird books, gardening books, biographies, quilt books...yep, shelves full. Nowhere near as nicely arranged as yours though!

  13. Books are a favorite thing of mine, too. I like the old, bound books. The slightly musty smell taht comes from them when opened. Ahh, it's just great. However, I run out of space and so am seriously considering a Kindle. If I do, it will be for the nonfiction reads, the mysteries, etc. My old books will ALWAYS have a shelf in my house.

  14. Fabulous Favourite, Helen! :o) I've found most bloggers love books too. I cannot imagine going through life and not having the escape of a good story. Visiting from FTF. Thanks for sharing. :o) Larri at Seams Inspired

  15. I love books too! There was a public library not 1/2 mile away all the years I was growing up and my sister and I walked or rode bikes there about two or three times a week for all our childhood. My girls and I share books all the time between ourselves and my mom. Whenever I'm at my mom and dad's and we get talking, the Atlas always comes out to look someplace up!

  16. Yes books are one of my favourite things too :-) I have them all round the house.

  17. Oh yes! Books are definitely one of my very most favorite things. :-)

  18. I love books, too! And, I read just about anything. Oh, and Nora Roberts lives about 45 minutes from me, but, I've never met her. She has her own bookshop.
