Friday, October 1, 2010


 Over the last couple of days I've been busy, busy, busy.
I've made about a dozen of these squares for my quilt project.

I think it is coming along nicely.

Here's a sneek preview of what it will look like when I'm finished.

It's going to be a gift so I hope it will look good.

It's been a while since I posted about anything I've cooked.
Thought I would try a recipe from this site - they looked so good I just had to try them...
and only 5 ingredients.

2 cups icing sugar
2 egg whites
150 g chopped, roasted hazelnuts
1 teasp vanilla  essence
one third of a cup  cocoa

No beating, just mix it all together in a bowl then place desert spoonfuls on a tray.
Leave plenty of room for spreading.
Cook at 160 C for 12 - 15 minutes.
You know they are cooked when they puff up and crack on the top.
The mixture made 13 of these seriously decadent cookies.

Light and crunchy and a little chewy in the middle.
Very sweet and chocolatey

Ration  one per person.
Yum !!!

Not good for the diet !


  1. This is coming along so nicely. Love the peaceful-ness of the cool colors. Those treats look deadly. Have a splendid weekend. Hope blogger is back to norm on Monday.

  2. They look really yummy - I must try those
    Julie xxxxx

  3. Wauw this looks yummy :))

  4. I love those blocks . They look great . I'm really into the blues and browns at the moment and even bought some recently to experiment with. Your quilt is going to look terrific.

    The biscuits for me - not so much. I'm allergic to nuts!

  5. your blocks are looking great, o my yummy!

  6. I love the blocks, I have always liked blue and brown together.
    The biscuits look very yummy, I will definitely try those.

  7. Oh I'm liking that quilt very much Helen. Such a simple design, but very effective in those fabrics.

  8. I love the colours you have cosen for the quilt and those look so yummy, save me one!

  9. Helsie, your quilt squares are really, really lovely! The colours and patterns go so well together. Look forward to seeing it finished! Those little cakes look way too yummy to stop at just one :). Have a great week. Ros

  10. You are a lady of many talents now!
    Hugs suex
