Monday, October 4, 2010


Well here it is.
All finished!
Project number one completed.

It even has a swanky shell border that I managed to do by following the pattern ALL BY MYSELF !!!

There may be mistakes, but I figured if I just did it all the same then it would work out and I think it did.

So here it is - the finished product.
Ta Dah !

I think I'm hooked ( pardon the pun !)
Recently, I read that the rhythmic nature of crochet was good for you - soothing like meditation -
and I must say I was really getting into the groove.

I'm off to try another rug project - another simple learning activity before I try a real rug for ME!



  1. Congratulations Helsie. Your crochet looks fab! I would have to agree that crochet is very soothing. Looking forward to seeing the next completed project.


  2. You did a great job, i love the colors, i was just thinking yesterday i need to pick the hook up again, it is a calming for me.

  3. Congratulations. I think that officially makes you a crochet person.

    It looks wonderful, and the pretty border is amazing! bet you feel pretty darn proud of yourself and deservedly so!

  4. You go girl. This is WONDERful for you first one. Even a SHELL border. I'm impressed. Pat yourself on the back and keep going. Can't wait to see what you are up to next.

  5. WOW! Well done you! Such a pretty blanket for the lucky recipient :) Have a good week! Ros and Oscar

  6. Well Done Helsie! Now get your photos onto Flickr and Ravelry! Ravelry is great because you can track your projects - by hook, type of yarn, when started and finished, colors, pattern etc. Plus you get to meet other fantastic crocheters (and knitters) and see their projects - plus there are designers too. Lots of free patterns. It's a great site. And its free! Don't forget to use YouTube too - there are hundreds of videos showing just about anything. I'm looking forward to your next project.

  7. Congratulations! It looks wonderful. I have crochet envy...

  8. Well I am very impressed, wow how fantastic an achievement!!

  9. Wonderful work, Helen and you even worked from a pattern with the shell border. Took me a lot more years to go that far.
    I have also heard that it is a wonderful activity for those with Alzheimer etc, as they never really forget the rhythm and it works a certain part of their brain.

  10. Hi, I have found you quite a few times via other blogs and never think to leave a comment. I live down in Victoria, and am teaching myself to crochet, that is the easy part,it is making sense of the pattern that is the hard part. So starting of very easy, it is a feeling of real achievement when you understand and can crochet something, so well done you on your blanket and I do love the edging.
    Take care
    Sandi x

  11. Congratulatins Helen,
    This is such an achievement!
    Thank you for sharing.
    OOh I'm excited for you!
    Hugs Suex

  12. Helen, Well done! You did it! Your first blanket in crochet, what a brilliant success and something you can keep for those cold Aussie winters! I bet you are "Hooked" now! x
