Monday, September 20, 2010


I'm so depressed !

Yes, I think depressed is the word for how I feel.
I'll tell you why. ( Bear with me this could take a while !!)

Some days I have something organised to do on my busy social calendar that requires me to be out of the house by 9:00am.
Sometimes on those days I jump out of bed, dash into the shower and wash my hair
before I think of having breakfast etc.

On these occasions I put on my undies but don't really want to get completely dressed.
You know, I have to sit down and eat my brekky, start up the computer and catch up with my blogland friends from the other side of the world - those of you who have been blogging while I've been asleep.

Then I clean up a bit before I rush around getting dressed, putting on make-up , doing hair and all the rest.

Now I don't want to frighten anyone by walking around in my underwear for a couple of hours!....
and anyway it gets a little chilly sometimes .......
and I do sit in front of a window at the front of the house while I'm on my computer.

So what to wear?
Can't be bothered with clothes.

What I want to wear is a ......brunch coat !

 BRUNCH COAT (noun)- a woman's short housecoat or wrapper.

OK, OK, I can almost see all of you out there shaking your heads and smirking !!

"Brunch coats are old fashioned !" I hear you say.

But they are just the thing for Queensland.

It's too hot for a dressing gown like this....

and these are too hot too......

and for the life of me I can't keep them closed at the front!!!

No it's an old fashioned brunch coat that I want.

Not this old fashioned !!!

or like like this .....

 but more like this  !

This morning I've been out at the shops looking for a brunch coat and I couldn't find one anywhere !

So that's why I'm depressed. 
I'm outdated and old fashioned !!! 

Do any of you out there wear brunch coats ?
Cheers. ( I guess )

PS. Can you see Tony and I swanning around in these outfits ?

 This is what the real thing looks like !!!



  1. I never heard the term "brunchcoat" but it looks like a what we call a "muumuu" or "moo moo" dress. My aunt loved to wear them in Florida. I still call a bathrobe a "housecoat" and it drives my hubby mad. That's a very funny photo of hubby!! He looks like he has a great sense of humor.

  2. Oh Helsie I did laugh! Not because you were depressed of course and I do know what you mean as I am also on a quest for a new "dressing gown" without success. I was taken back by that Simplicity pattern since I made one very simmilar to that when I was in my teens and the term moo moo or muu muu in Sandy's comment too I haven't heard used in years. Your husband looks a hoot in his hairnet and robe - he must be a great guy?! All this made me think of all the terms in use for such a garment: dressing gown, negligee, housecoat, brunchcoat, robe, bath robe.... Do hope you find what you are looking for soon as can't have you sitting in full view in your undies can we?!


  3. I do hope you find what you are looking for. I have heard of a brunchcoat, when I was at school too many years to remember I had a friend who was Australian and I remember she talked about a brunchcoat. Your husband looks a great guy.
    Julie xxxxxx

  4. I rather like the McCalls one, so stylish you could stay in it all day then go out for dinner without changing. Think how it could revolutionise your life, plus you'd have far more time for blogging!

    I'd never heard of a brunchcoat, it looks like the sort of nightie my mother wears though. As for Tony, what a hoot that man of yours is - any excuse I say!!

  5. Oh Helen, you won't be surprised to know my "brunchcoat" is a kaftan! Nothing to come undone, loose and cool and in lots of wacky colours!
    I do think Tony is a good sport, he could audition for the musical "hairspray" :D

  6. I just take the easy way out and stay in my pj's, it's too hard, or if I do have a shower, I put on "yoga gear" or sports gear. Not that I have any intention of doing either of those things, but they are comfortable and easy to grab out of the closet. I just can't wear a brunch coat it looks too much like a muu muu and there is no way I will wear one of those...yet.

  7. In Canada we call it a housecoat and I am wearing mine as I read your blog. Most large department stores here carry them although you would probably want the summer version. In winter here the velour longer version is warmer.

  8. I meant to add that kaftans can be worn by the fellas too. years ago I used to work for a lady whose husband always slipped into one at the end of his working day. I was a bit taken aback when I first saw him, but than I rememberd Demis Roussos :D

  9. I like "brunch coats" too. They're practical! I'm not out to win a fashion show. However, I seldom find anything I like clothes-wise, so I'm trying to learn to sew....

  10. Sandy:
    I guess the term"brunch coat " must be an Aussie one and bathrobe is its American equivalent. Muumuu is going a bit too far !!!
    There was a time when kaftans were all the go - a long time ago. They're a bit in the muumuu class aren't they?
    I hear what you're saying but I just want something easy that is not "clothes" to slip on as an interum measure.
    Welcome! and yes that's the idea.
    Hooray! but I'm not into sewing clothes- too much effort for usually awful results.
    As you have probably noticed Tony is a big fellow and the robes etc in Asian hotels don't fit ( or suit him ) very well !! AND he does clown around a bit !!!!!

  11. Jane:
    Yes it's all in the name isn't it? Anyway there are only bathrobes around at the moment- terry towelling ones that cross and tie. I can't keep them crossed and they are too hot for me so I'll look in a few lingerie shops and see if they have an old lady section !!!

  12. We use to wear brunch coats when we were kids. Summer in Western Australia, just a tad too hot for a dressing gown. Helsie you may find a brunch coat in an op. shop, it's worth a try. Good luck.

  13. Tony looks a treat!!!!
    I actually think the first pattern coat (McCalls) would be so wonderful to sit around in early mornings - elegant, classy, regal - think it might need servants to serve though ☺

  14. Oh Helen,
    You are getting so 'creative' with your blogging.
    You are getting a real expert at this!
    I've really had a good laugh this morning,
    wonderful post.
    I admire your hubby too for the fashion show!
    Love to you, Suex

  15. My goodness. Now you've stirred a memory. I do believe I had a brunch coat way back in the dim, dark ages and very comfy it was too. These days a kaftan will do. No pattern, just about 2+1/2 metres of 90cm fabric with a hole cut in the centre for the neck, faced with some of the fabric and a gap left for armholes when sewing the side seams. I'm a really lazy dressmaker.

  16. Take the hubsters on the road as a "dressing gown" model! Oh that picture is priceless!

  17. have searched high and low for a stylish and lightweight brunch coat.
    I share you depression. The best that I have found are in the UK - term is House Coat.
    What's wrong with the world? Has it lost its class. At middle age I don't want a wrap around gown or a tie up waisted gown. I want a stylish, elegant brunch coat.
