Monday, September 20, 2010


Spring is here.
The temperature is in the mid twenties during the day - around fourteen at night.

In our back garden yesterday I spied these.

Peeking through the flowers.

and at a recent visit to a friend's house I found these.

We've had a cooler, rainy day today and we're in for a wet week.

Just what we need !



  1. Is that amarylis in the first pics? Lovely to see your spring flowers Helsie. We are having warm sunny days but cold mornings and evenings with possible frosts at night now! Autumn is truly here.


  2. No, Jane they are Hippeastrums. I looked them up as I thought perhaps there were two names for the same plant but, though they look very similar, they are different plants.
    They are having a lot of rain out west and in the north, hope your daughter can swim !!!

  3. All those lovely pinks! I still cant get used to you folks having opposite seasons to us here in England :)

  4. amazing to me to see all that blooming extravagant foliage - we are subsiding into a wet autumn here in Scotland!

  5. As Kath said, it's unusual for us to see spring flowers and buds at the moment as here, we have what is known as the 'fag-end of Summer'.
    Now I thought of burnt out fags, but no, there is a proper meaning to fag-end, and I think the word 'fag' came way before ciggy's were invented.
    A lingering sad end. :(

  6. How gorgeous :-) we are just entering autumn here, but I do so love the colours of the leaves :-)

  7. I adore spring! My kangaroo paws are in bloom but thats the only flowery type thing I have in my "garden". I'll just have to be satisfied with getting my eye candy looking at your blooms!

  8. Beautiful! So cool you're going into spring while we're going into fall. Please keep these spring/summer posts coming. We're going to really need them in the middle of winter.

  9. I still find it hard to get my head round the fact that you are just heading into spring, and all those lovely warm days, whereas we are looking forward to cold, wind and rain!!!

  10. I think spring is a lovely time of year. Its just so hard to believe how we are all having different seasons!
    hugs Suex
