Friday, September 17, 2010


In my dining room I have a bookshelf where I have made a display of blue plates.
Not expensive ones but quite pretty all the same.

So when I had to choose a project while learning some new ( to me !) quilting blocks I decided to make some table mats to match the plates.

You know, I've been doing them for months - one tablemat a month !
Well this week I've been working hard on them and...

I'm finished !

So here's the big "Ta -da !"

Need a closer look?

There's even a little table runner for the centre.

It all reflects in the mirror, you see?

I'm quite pleased with them.



  1. As you should be Helsie! They are very pretty...who doesn't love blue and white.

  2. Beautiful Helen, they look gorgeous.

  3. I'd be more than QUITE pleased if I had made those Helsie! They are really lovely and co-ordinate so beautifully with your pretty collection of plates. If they were mine I'd be watching my guests like a hawk praying they didn't drop anything!!


  4. Wow! That is lovely. The Blue & White aways looks very fresh looking, you have inspired me to do something like that
    Julie xxxxxxxxxxx

  5. They look fantastic Helen - well done! When can I put my order in?

  6. I was just going to ask the same question as Maria! When I open my B&B in Glastonbury, I will have to have a set :D

  7. I'm not surprised at all. Well done you, they're gorgeous and I expect you'll be entertaining a bit more from now on!!

  8. Helen, your new mats and runner are perfect. Such a lovely compliment to your beautiful blue and white dishes.

  9. Congrats on the finish. They compliment your plate collections beautifully and vice versa.

  10. OMG! What a wonderful job.
    I think we ought to swap a blue and white ball! I have some here!
    Hugs Suex

  11. Absolutely beautiful job, Helen. Bet you smile every time you see them. Is there a deadline for orders? ☺ ☺

  12. It seems a shame to cover them with a dinner plate! They're really lovely you should be VERY pleased indeed!

  13. I have to eat my meals in the shed in case I spill my red wine !
