Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Perhaps it is because I come from a country where water is often lacking. 
Where we can go for months, even years at a time without a single drop of rain falling on the parched earth and then it comes down in torrents creating awful floods.
Whatever it is, show me a flowing stream and I'm hooked !

So no surprise that today turned out to be a cracker !
Today we visited the village called L'isle sur Sorgue named because it is situated on little islands right in the middle of the Sorgue river.

In the past good use has been made of the shallow, fast flowing river that rushes around and through L'isle sur Sorgue and at one time there were about 70 water wheels. 
There are still quite a few but their function is now purely decorative.

As usual there is an " Old Town" which has a ring road circling it so you park the car then enter the Old Town via lots of lovely little bridges....

and possibly because of all that water the grass is really GREEN !

Next you move towards the centre of the village via the winding, narrow walkways we have come to expect.

Some are bare and almost devoid of colour......

and some are lined with colourful shops. 

where you can browse - and be tempted - to your heart's content.

Eventually these lead to the heart of the village where the couch resides.
In this case a huge church for such a small village 
and when you enter......

the grandeur quite takes your breath away !

You wander from photo opportunity 

to photo opportunity

until you find yourself out on the river edge where pretty cafes invite you to sit a while.

They are very hard to resist.....and resistance is not what holidays are about !

Then you resume your walk only to discover that round every corner is another delightful view

and thoughts of never going home begin to creep into your imagination .

I think I could settle happily in a spot like this.....

      or this !

What do you think ? Could you drag yourself away ?

Reluctantly, we did !



  1. Once again, another fabulous trip. We are so tempted to go back and do more of France, but we must first get our Ireland/Scotland trip in. Looks like you are having a wonderful time and the weather could not be more perfect. And the food....well, don't even get me started on the food you two are posting. Glad to see you can get out and about and are "earning" your desserts and Beaujolais. Cheers!!!

    1. Oh yes Kate . Go to Scotland and Ireland. They are both wonderful and so are the people. The Irish have a wonderful sense of humour, they are always laughing at themselves, a lot like Aussies. But then of course a lot of us come from Irish convicts !
      PS. Don't know whether we are balancing out those desserts. We are often having a very light dinner if we've been naughty during the day!

  2. It all looks so beautiful and tranquil but as I know from experience I would soon be homesick!

  3. I'm sure you're right Jane, it's only a dream !

  4. It certainly would be difficult to drag one's self different to what we have here. It makes us realise just what a "young" country we are here in the Land of Oz.

    1. Certainly the "oldness" of it is one of its attractions Lee.

  5. A special blogpost Helen. You are as enthused as I am by the wonders I find around me as I venture through the world. We are like children in that respect. Marvellous.

  6. Right on YP. I love this travelling business.
