Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Ha ! Sorry for the corny title !

Today's excursion was to explore the little town of Uzes.
I've tried to learn how to pronounce it and I think it's something like " Oooo -zeees" but it's a bit difficult for an Aussie !

Of course when we go to these villages we head straight for the Old Town and never bother with the more modern outer edges. 

We love the old doors and buildings 

Narrow streets for pedestrians only. 

 And narrow passageways that lead through to

delightful squares lined with cafes 

with beautiful fountains at their centre where people gather for long, relaxing lunches

like this !

Hard to pass up a French Omlette with cepes- a seasonal mushroom.

Down one of these little alleyways we stumbled on a Medieval Garden

where we wandered amongst the herbs and plants and tasted a herbal tea - a taste stayed with us for quite a while !

And the espaliered apple was full of fruit.

No visit is complete without a stop at the village church, often a huge edifice and in this case connected to the nearby residence of the local duke who still occupies a section of the very impressive castle next door !

Another lovely day.



  1. Keep these posts coming. I'm kind of jealous, I wish our last trip to France was like this. At least you are giving me hope that if there is a next time, it can only be much better.

    1. Sorry to hear your last trip was disappointing Marg. It is a great country, but hot is not good anywhere in my opinion. I'd love to see Paris at Christmas some day.

    2. Ooh just read your comment about Aix-en-Provence. I still haven't been there and was very disappointed we didn't get there this year. Now I'm not feeling quite so bad, thank you.

  2. I'm enjoying the vicarious tour of France through your photos. Uzes looks like a great place to be a tourist.

    1. It was delightful Lorrie. Yesterday we went to Aix en Provence with great expectations and were disappointed.

  3. Beautiful...another beautiful day shared with you Helsie....I hope you don't mind me tagging along with you! :)
