Monday, September 14, 2015


It seems Autumn comes quickly in these climes.
We've been in lovely St Remy en Provence for a week now and we can already see the changes.

Suddenly some of the leaves have begun to turn to rust, especially the Chestnut trees. ....

and we've found to our peril that sitting beneath their lovely shade can become quite hazardous.

" Conkers" have been suddenly erupting from above and whizzing past our heads (so far !) to smash open on the ground disgorging the round, shiny brown nuts.

 The majestic Plane trees that are so commonly used for shade in the village squares and along the sides of the roads

are joining in the change by dropping rusty gold leaves that bring their own glow of colour to the stone pavements and delightful old fountains. 

Elsewhere green remains the predominant colour and the days have been delightful with deep blue skies and warm temperatures around the 25 degree mark.

Now, I'm off to collect some Chestnuts. I hear they are good to eat ?
I just need to find out how to cook and eat them.



  1. I hope you are cooking sweet chestnuts and not conkers Helen! Remember to put a little nick in the outer shell with a sharp knife or they might explode in the oven.

  2. I hope you are cooking sweet chestnuts and not conkers Helen! Remember to put a little nick in the outer shell with a sharp knife or they might explode in the oven.

  3. It appears that these are not the ones you eat YP. Have been warned by Cro and Yael. Don't want to poison myself !

  4. Ahhh...chestnuts over an open fire...Christmas came early this year! :)
