Thursday, September 10, 2015


One of the major attractions of the area of Provence is its hilltop villages. 
Gordes is a major one so we thought we should begin our exploration with it.
We've learnt the wisdom of grabbing a car park just outside the village and walking in and we followed that plan today.

The whole village is constructed in imposing grey stone and at the very top is a very impressive fortification.

Tiny winding alleyways meander down the hill from the castle- all constructed from the same dark grey stone.

The approach to Gordes didn't seem very steep but looking out over the surrounding countryside you realise what a strategic position it occupies and the view over the surrounding area is spectacular.

We wandered and climbed on a perfect sunny day

So far the weather has been wonderful- warm and sunny , about 26 C.

After a bite of lunch- a grande salade- we drove on to Roussillon, names for the red soil which characterises this very pretty village.

There are several views of the red cliffs of the area, lovely amongst the green vegetation.

and look at the colour it brings to the village !

Everything in this village is coloured. No dull, drab grey here.
Red rocks, red mortar, rust coloured painted buildings.
All set off with green vegetation and even a scattering of colourful flowers have survived the hot, hot Summer.

It's no wonder that this area is a Mecca for artists, there is so much inspiration everywhere.

We have chosen a great time to visit as the crowds that flock to this area have gone now and the tourist numbers are very pleasant. Just enough people around to keep the shops and cafes buzzing but always room for you to grab a table, or a yummy gelato and sit at a table or on a stone wall and ponder how lucky you are to be experiencing it all. 



  1. such great memories.We spent a lovely holiday in a place called Maubec.The children's cry was "not another hilltop village".We have lovely happy memories of time spent there.I would love to go again.Keep us posted.I am loving enjoying your holiday!!!

    1. Thanks for the tip. I'll look it up and see if it is nearby.

  2. Can I be just a wee bit jealous? What lovely weather you're enjoying for your rambles through the French countryside. Beautiful!

  3. How delightful everything is! I am so loving your descriptions and vignettes!

  4. Wow! Wow! Wow! What more can I say other than how beautiful the area is...and thank you for taking me along with you! :)

  5. Hi Lorrie, Kate and Lee,
    Thanks for visiting and commenting. I'm glad you like the photos, there's going to be plenty more. We have another week of exploring here in St Remy.

  6. Please remind me to never ever go to France again in July or August. Too hot, too many tourists and not fun. Lovely photos Helen, and your posts make me want to go back to France to explore different areas.

    1. Well I drew a lot of inspiration for this holiday from you Marg but I did wonder how you coped in the heat. I hate hot weather so we always aim for Spring but couldn't do that this year. Have to say that the weather has been perfect and am looking forward to cooler weather before we are done here in France

    2. Your holiday is far better than mine.

  7. Beautiful pics! Love sharing the journey with you (kind of!) Ros

  8. Ros, I see your weather has turned quite Autumnal. It's still very warm here. A good place to come in September/ October to give you Brits a last bit of fine, warm weather before the cold weather rolls in.
