Thursday, September 24, 2015


Last night, as we're having dinner in the lovely little restaurant, Le Pomme D' Amour, the lone occupant of the next table, who had found our translations of the menu and the following ordering process very amusing, ( " Non, not tonight " to almost everything, "the cook is seeeck !" ) asked us how we ever came to visit the old village of Pezenas.

Le Pomme D'Amour

At night

And during the day.

 He seemed to find it amazing that four Aussies had managed to find this lovely little village not far from Bezieres and chose to stay there. 

My answer was, "Word of mouth." Rather it was " Word of blog ! " because I heard about Pezenas from a blogging friend Marg (blog called Little Miss Sunshine ) and that sent me off to research it. 

So Marg, it's you we have to thank for steering us to this delightful OLD village. 
Once again we are staying in the Old Town, in a very comfortable apartment called Maison sur L'Arc in the Jewish Ghetto section of the Old Town.

Pezenas is a much larger village than St Remy. There is a wide Main Street with centre parking that slices it in two ...

but it is the narrow winding laneways that snake out from there where you find the hidden gems.

Shops like caves with bewildering depths contain all kinds of artisan goods that can give you hours of browsing pleasure and often end with a few tables and chairs for a hole-in-the-wall cafe.....,

Or open out into sunny little squares where a cluster of cafes vie for your attention and the biggest decision is SUN or SHADE ? ??? ( being Aussies we always pick shade ! )

Although Pezenas is delightful in its own right, We chose to stay here for a week because of its proximity to several interesting places.

Like Cap D' Agde

With lots of expensive boats 

And the inviting Mediterranean beckoning

Or Sete

almost reminiscent of Venice except here the water is clean and blue !

Then for something completely different you can spend a day in Montpellier

With its huge central square,

beautiful buildings,

Narrow laneways,

Full of quality shops and cafes

And tree lined boulevardes

Not to mention wonderful feats of engineering

and that's only up to Tuesday !

A bientot !


  1. Looks as though you are having a great time and some good weather too.

  2. Four Aussies? Maybe I missed something but I thought it was only you and your cruel taskmaster holidaying in France. Did you take in two young backpackers? ...Another lovely, tempting post and some fine photos too. Are you ever going home?

    1. We are taking Tony's sister and husband on their first European holiday YP.

  3. I'm so pleased you are enjoying Pezenas. Especially so, as if it was awful, you'd have me to blame :). Looks like you are having a wonderful time..

  4. You are getting all the credit, Marg.

  5. I can understand why you'd want to stay there...and I love the quaint, interesting restaurants, eateries and cafes. The area certainly has a lot to explore...and explore you have (and still are, no doubt)!.

    Thanks for allowing me to tag along with you....take good care, Helsie. :)
