Sunday, September 27, 2015


This is a map of a small village called Guilhem-Le-Desert not far from Pezenas.

It is situated in a valley/ ravine with high hills/mountains on each side and a small stream running through it to the larger river below. 

A large car park at the top of the village attests to its popularity with tourists and you enter at the large village square dominated by a HUGE old plane tree towards the top of the village.

A plaque on the tree says it is 175 years old !

To explore the village you just wander down the narrow lane towards the river.

At this time of year most of the tourists are gone and you have the place to yourselves.

Ancient buildings lean in on every side and spots of greenery and the odd remaining flower break up all that stone and make it very pretty.

The sky is blue and the sun is still very warm but sometimes it can get get a bit cool in the shade of these high walls.

The sound of water leads you to the small stream that tumbles through the village.

This is the back of the Abbey and their kitchen garden which of course had the obligatory grape vines as well as vegetables and roses.

Then you take another fork as you wander back to the top

To join the rest of the visitors in doing what the French do best .....LUNCH !

Au revoir


  1. Looks great and sounds as if you are enjoying yourselves?

  2. Replies
    1. Just tried to comment on your blog but it says it's closed to members Barbara

  3. Wow! Looks wonderful. A great time being had! Ros

  4. I didn't understand the desert bit either. Glad it wasn't as hot for you. It was almost 40 the day we were there. It definitely wasn't conducive to much exploring.

    1. The desert part is some sort of religious reference Marg. Don't know how you survived that trip in the heat. It's around 23 C here now , just right .

  5. What a beautiful village to explore. I love those narrow streets with the houses curving around them.

  6. That looks like an amazing place to visit.

  7. Oh cherie! Un autre blogpost especial! Guilhem-Le-Desert is a place I have never heard of so thank you for taking us there with you! An alcoholic French beggar with a stolen camera appears to have drifted into the right hand corner of the third picture down.

  8. He seems to be following me everywhere YP !

  9. Amazing places, and buildings....they make us realise just what a young nation we are here Down Under!

    1. Exactly Lee, that's a huge part of their attraction for me.
