Tuesday, May 6, 2014


We packed the backpack this morning and headed through the village and up the hill to catch the bus to Amalfi.
Today's planned destination was the village of Ravello high up at the top of the cliffs.

Well, NO LUCK !

There's a bus strike on today !

So today were stuck here in Positano !


Poor us !

We'll just have to make do with having a gelato while we sit and look at this view.

While the poor folks below us bake in the sunshine.

We strolled down the winding laneways to get a closer look at the beach.

Fellow Aussies can stop laughing now. I know it's a strange sort of beach

And there certainly isn't lovely white sand like we have... Or even golden sand
But the water is a glorious blue and crystal clear and the sun is warm. 

I guess .....

we're going to have to make the best of being stuck in Positano !

Now, where will we go for lunch ?



  1. It's a hard life in Positano Helen ~ someone had to be nominated to wave the Aussie flag over there and yes you were the winner. Enjoy!!

    1. OK Carol, I'll take the job on! I feel very lucky to be able to experience a world so different to dear old Brizzy.

  2. Beautiful! Not a bad place to be stuck in! We received an email introduction from our Program Director for our Grand Circle Tour of northern Italy the other day. One thing she mentioned is that "Italy is experiencing some challenging times these days". Wonder what that is? Oh, well, I guess we will find out.

    1. Apparently strikes are not unusual but there's always the chill out factor to embrace Sandy.

  3. It looks so beautiful Helen! Looks like you're having a great time on your travels :-) Ros

  4. Sigh. So sorry for you (not). If you have to be stuck somewhere, it might as well be Positano.

  5. I wouldn't mind being stuck in a place like that ! No hardship I think....

    1. We are managing OK Shay. It's a hard life but ..... As they say!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. From WikiTravel:-
    Take the local bus to Montepertuso which leaves from the church. From there you need to find a small steep path uphill. The mountains along the Amalfi Coast have a hidden and unknown network of public footpaths and long stairs criss crossing the lemon teraces, from Montepertuso you will be able to walk to Santa Maria, a small church high up, and back down to Positano. This will give you stunning views down the coast featuring Capri, Positano and the sea. In springtime all sorts of rare spices and flowers grow between cypress trees. Make sure you get a map of some kind showing the footpaths since you WILL get lost without.

  8. But that's the problem YP there is no bus ! Or rather there wasn't. All is well again so we'll be off to Ravello tomorrow and we plan to walk back down from there to Amalfi.

  9. Beautiful, beautiful Italy. Your photos are stunning. Thanks for sharing with us as you travel as I know how much time it takes to blog on the go.
    Anne xx

    1. I guess this is bringing back memories of your trip Anne. I'm still so jealous of you encounter with that badger !
