Monday, May 5, 2014

Isle of Capri

Is there a song about the beautiful Isle of Capri? 
If not there should be !
Beautiful sunny weather and temperatures a perfect 18 degrees had us on the jet boat bound for the Isle of Capri today.

Positano looked lovely in the sunshine as we pulled away from the weird black beach. 
The trip took across took about 25minutes so it was not long before we were deposited in the Marina Grande below the town centre of Capri.

Next step is to catch the funicular up to the town of Capri. This is a real tourist hub with lots of beautiful, high-end clothing stores, jewellery shops and shoe shops.
Not being fond of crowds and shops of this type we quickly found the bus to take us the 3kilometres to Anacapri and were delighted to find a quiet gem of winding laneways lined on both sides with whitewashed buildings.

Lemons are a continuing theme in this whole Amalfi Coast area and it was no different here.

Lemon scented candles, soap, lemon decorated plates

Lemons, lemons  everywhere.

Scattered along the way were these lovely tiled benched. 
Ah, somewhere to sit and watch the passing parade - and so pretty too.

Time for a delightful lunch and some friendly interaction with good natured waiters.
My smattering of Italian learned from the Learn to Speak Italian CD has been a great ice breaker and earned us several free Limoncellos already. Trying to speak a little of the language seems to earn us brownie points though we have found that most people we have dealt with have a fairly good grasp of English which makes life easy for the traveller. Being good a miming helps too !!

Finally we arrived at the high point lookout and the Bay of Naples opened out below us in all it's glory.

That's Capri and the Marina down below us

And this is Versuvius, the volcano that buried Pompeii , way off in the distance.

Doesn't that water look delightful?  (Not warm enough for swimming yet though !)

Back at the marina later in the afternoon we called at a cafe manned by this lovely lady. Her name is Rosa. 
When we first arrived she invited us into her cafe ( as they do ) and we promised we would come back later. When we returned in the afternoon we were welcomed with kisses like long lost friends. Such friendly, funny people. We chatted and laughed 

We're served these scrumptious delights with our drinks

And before we could leave were served two Limoncello drinks in shot glasses on the house. Rosa then rushed off to find me a copy of the recipe for making Limoncello when we get home ( I don't think so !)

We were home by 7:00pm and walked up the hill to a restaurant we had promised to visit for dinner tonight. This time our new friend was Lorenzo and he was also pleased to see we had kept our word.
The meal was lovely.
We were entertained by this lively fellow...

Who sang very nicely and we all joined in when he sang "That's Amore"....
And these were delivered , free once again, at the end of our meal.

Australian restaurants have a lot to learn.

Another lovely day.



  1. Having a hay day traveling with you both. Hope you picked up a lemon goodie or two to bring home.

    1. Probably bring all these goodies home with me ....on my hips, Kate !

  2. 'Twas on the Isle of Capri that he found her
    Beneath the shade of an old walnut tree
    Oh, I can still see the flowers blooming 'round her
    Where they met on the Isle of Capri

    She was as sweet as a rose at the dawning
    But somehow fate hadn't meant it to be
    And though he sailed with the tide in the morning
    Still his heart's in the Isle of Capri
    (First published in July 1934 and made famous in England by Gracie Fields)

    1. I knew there would have to be one. I'll have to see if I can find the tune on the internet. Lovely place.

  3. How wonderful...I can feel the joy and happiness; the generosity of spirit. And I can taste the lemons.

    Well, I did juice three from my tree to drink first up this morning as I do each morning...that could be it. :)

    Gracie Fields left England to live on the Isle of Capri...and one can understand why.

    I'm enjoying your trip, Helsie...thanks. :)

  4. I could do with some lemon juice this morning Lee. Bit of a sore throat. There are plenty around so let's hope they help. I'll have to put sugar with mine though... And a bit of hot water. Just what the doctor ordered.

  5. Another beautiful part of Italy. I'm very very jealous right now!

  6. More gorgeous scenery and friendly people. Excellent stuff!

  7. Oh my goodness Helen! Capri looks like Paradise. Those beautiful benches- the food- those lemons and that view. What a great place to be spending some time !

    Totally jealous here .....raining, cold and Im about to go to work!

  8. I love Italy, the people are so friendly. And the lemons, oh yes, I remember those. The ceramics with lemons painted on them are so colourful.
    Anne xx
