Thursday, May 8, 2014


I'm starting today's post at the end just to prove to you that we survived !
We've just travelled home from Sorrento on a Sita bus. 
Of course first we had to get to Sorrento by bus but that was in the lane that is bang up against the cliff face. 
The way home is not !
Bang up against the cliff face that is.

The scenery is breathtaking on its own without the wild ride.
Our driver was not very friendly and didn't want to talk or answer any questions before we started out then proceeded to drive one handed and talk on his mobile the whole way home !!

I can't tell you how high we were. It varies as you go along the cliff but just let's say it's a long way down....... and you get very close to the edge !

Anyway, it is worth every minute of this crazy drive.

Anyway, now we are home safely, I'll tell you a little about our day.
We went to Pompeii.
First a bus to Sorrento then a train to Pompeii. Not difficult and not expensive.

You enter Pompeii by walking up the road from the old marina. 
(You see Pompeii was once by the sea.)
and the road you walk on was built before sometime in the 7th century BC (Pompeii was buried in 79AD.)

It is a very interesting place to visit. We thought we would just wander on our own but then Salvatore came along and we joined his group of 10 for the price of 12euros each and were very glad we did.
For the next 2hours he regaled us with stories and information, pointing out things we never would have seen on our own. These guides are such comedians too - information delivered in this way is never boring or tiresome .

Streets with rut marks from the chariots, houses of the wealthy and the poor, shops with sliding doors at their entry, public baths, places of worship and law tribunals - it's all there to wonder at.
Oh, and of course the Brothel !!!

A place you have to see for yourself one day.



  1. I think this is my favourite post of all your travels. I love those floors, how lovely to see all that history.

  2. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time with moments of excitement along with hopefully some relaxation too! Amazing to think of those people living in Pompeii all those years back isn't it?

    1. It's truly amazing to see it with you own eyes Jane. Most of us have seen lots about it on TV and such but it is wonderful to see it all in person. I consider myself very lucky

  3. Great photos - pompeii is another place I'd really love to visit.

  4. Just catching up with your travels and I see you've been enjoying the delights of traveling on the roads of Italy. It is an experience. Glad you are having a fabulous time.
    Anne xx

    1. Glad we survived to make it a memory Anne !

  5. Helen, thank you so much for sharing your holiday with all of us. I would have been frightened out if my wits by the crazy bus driver too. Not good with heights.

    1. Hope I'm not being too boring Carol but I'm writing the blog as my sort of travel diary. Tony has taken over the official travel diary writing duties this time. Love travelling with my new iPad. Much easier than humping a laptop along and we don't have to share. Love keeping in touch this way.

  6. Just been catching up with your Italian travels Helsie. Sorrento is beautiful isn't it! All that wonderful history and the story of poor Pompeii buried under all that ash in just minutes - I found it a very moving experience going there.

    1. It's all wonderful and interesting too. Love travelling !

  7. We have had a couple of holidays in Sorrento and visited Ppmpeii and Herculaneum.Both fantastic.So pleased you are enjoying Italy.Hope you are going to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Florence or have I missed that when I was away.

  8. Good guides are worth the extra cost. They know so much more than the guidebooks. Glad you survived the road.

    1. Dead right Lorrie. We've had some terrific ones so far.

  9. I see a quilt pattern in that gorgeous old floor. I think I would be a little overwhelmed visiting somewhere like Pompeii with all that history. I cant wrap my brain around something that old still being around!

  10. Pompeii is so big too Shay but it's great to see it with your own eyes.
