Thursday, May 8, 2014


We thought the ride from Sorrento to Positano was scary until we went from Positano to Amalfi.
The bus was pretty full when it got to us so we were jammed in and standing all the way. Wonderful scenery but sorry no photos as we were both hanging on for dear life as the driver threw the bus around the usual hairpin bends for half an hour.

Out of that bus and into another and off we went to Ravello.

Words can hardly describe Ravello.
1000 foot above Amalfi, perched on the top of a cliff, the beautiful Mediterranean stretches out below you.

Following the advice of Rick Steeve's Guide book and as it was lunchtime we tumbled out of the bus and went directly to the Garden Ristorante.
A perfect table for two with a view to die for and we were set.

The sun came out and all was perfect !

Lunch over we set out to explore further.

Through a tunnel and you arrive at a lovely square with a huge old church and cafés under shady trees.
The crowds are still light as the holiday season is not in full swing as yet - luckily for us.
It's a very pleasant scene.

After exploring the church - very old but rather bare - we plodded around till we found the directions for the Villa Cimbrone. Up many, many, many stairs and  seven euros got us through the gate of this beautiful old building.
It houses a wonderful hotel- a favourite of Greta Garbo ( she obviously wanted to be alone in luxury ) - and  D H Lawrence to name just two of the celebrities who loved staying here.

The gardens of the villa are very beautiful but the Terrace of Infinity was where we were headed.

Below us never ending terraces eke out as much space as possible to grow grapes and lemons as well as vegetable crops for the Summer especially tomatoes and courgettes.

Can you see that swimming pool down there?


If I had to choose a place I would go to stay if I had HEAPS (and it would need to be heaps)  of money  I think this would be my choice. It is spectacularly beautiful . 

However all good things must come to an end and home was at least an hour's travel away so back down to Amalfi we went.

The  trip home was a nightmare ! 
Traffic !
A film crew blocking one lane with buses going each way fighting cars to get by !!
We survived situations which had the whole bus applauding the driver when he managed to get us through without killing us and damaging the bus. Shouts of " Bravo ! " and cheering accompanied the clapping. We were living dangerously and enjoying it !
This bus driver was a star. On several occasions we scraped another bus ever so gently on one side while leaves and sticks rained down on us through the windows on the other side. 
When he wasn't coming to a screaming halt after a near head on, he was swinging the bus round hairpin bends with absolutely no vision just a blast of his horn.
We held on tightly to anything we could and our knees and leg muscles got a good workout keeping us upright.
Forty- five minutes of this and we were finally at the Positano bus stop.

Thank God !!

Too tired to change and go out for tea tonight. I've been nursing a chesty virus all week and the thought of trekking up the hill is just too much.
Tony has gone up the hill to our fav restaurant for take away pizza.



  1. How beautiful but how exhausting it sounds! Do hope you will feel better soon - maybe a quiet day lazing in the sun somewhere after all your hair raising experiences?!

    1. Passed the virus on to Tony now Jane. A couple a easy, quiet days ahead.

  2. Such beautiful and breathtaking scenes in your photos. It's almost too hard to take in all that beauty. Your bus rides do sound rather scary, hanging on with muscles you never knew existed. I do hope you are feeling better soon. It's not much fun being sick while on holidays.
    Anne xx

    1. Thanks so much for all your comments Anne . I remembered that one of you was sick on your big trip. We're taking it easy today as Tony now has the bug ! Buggar !

  3. Super pictures Helen and thanks for sharing your experience. So Tony's off to see the pizza girl again is he? I bet he asks for an extra topping.

    1. Tony is always keen to know if he has managed to get a mention in a comment from you YP. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Although I write this blog as a sort of reflection of what's happening in my life, it's nice to know that someone out there reads it too.

  4. Replies
    1. That's one of our few Italian words. We seem to be using it a lot!

  5. Yes- I quite agree- I;d love to spend some time here just soaking up the view!

    1. When I win the lottery I'm going to stay there for a few days, Shay. If I win $10million I'll take you with me. ( I'll need all of that to pay for the liposuction I'll need to fit into glam clothes first)
