Sunday, May 11, 2014


After a long drive with some difficulties with our sat nav ( Tom Tom ) we are now settled into a good sized apartment in the wall of the Old Town of Barberino Val d' Elsa in Tuscany about 30 minutes south of Florence.

The village is staging it's yearly flower festival - more like a town fete - this weekend on the street that runs through the old town and right past our front door. 

Our apartment is within these old town walls. 

That's it the second door down on the right.

No, not this one but isn't it pretty?

There's an Aussie browsing along the old street.

We have two bedrooms with huge king sized beds, two bathrooms with shower and toilet, a good sized living room and a tiny but serviceable kitchen.

AND wifi !

A good old home cooked stew is bubbling on the stove as we are craving some vegetables and home style cooking.

Rest day today.



  1. Enjoy Tuscany.One of our favourite places.

    1. You are so lucky to have all these places so close to you. Loved your photos of Amsterdam.

  2. Helen enjoys writing her blog and we both enjoy reading your comments. My fovorite is Yorkshire Pudding !

  3. I spy a Myer bag? Ha ha. Bit out of place in Italy Helen. Love the idea of the apartment in the town walls. Have a great week :)

  4. Are you staying put for a bit? It looks wonderful!

    1. We are here for a week to explore Tuscany Shay. Been down to the town Coop ( store) for supplies.

  5. There is nothing quite like some good old home-cooking when away holidaying under the Tuscan sun and elsewhere. :)

    1. Felt the need for meat and vegetables after all that cheesy pasta and pizza. Not really my fav sort of food.

  6. Two bedrooms? May I assume that the spare one is for the local pizza girl? Seems like your holiday research and planning is already paying dividends. You and Tony are certainly not on the usual holiday trail.

    1. Handy when you are both struggling with a virus..... And one of us snores !

    2. Tuscany, surely one of the most beautiful places in Italy. I'm sure you will enjoy every moment but I do wish that nasty virus would leave you two alone. Traveling while ill is not fun at all. I found it particularly difficult in Venice with a cold as everyone seems to smoke and that just set off the sneezes, runny nose and watery eyes. I had to laugh at your comment about having troubles with the sat nav, not that I'm laughing at your troubles only that we can relate as that was our experience constantlys with our sat nave. We called ours the b*tch lady as we were so frustrated. Enjoy the flower festival/fete and enjoy that good Italian food.
      Anne xx

    3. I'm a lot better today thanks Anne . I know what you mean about the smoking. It's really bad all over Europe. Tomtom is back working properly now thank God or we would be really sunk.
