Monday, May 12, 2014


It seems that we left the sparkling blue Mediterranean Sea only to exchange it for a sea of green.

The rolling green hills of Tuscany

Best seen of course from a hilltop village like Barberino Val d' Elsa or today's destination 
San  Gimignano. 

 You park the car then walk UP through the town walls. 
Then you stroll along winding streets lined with shops and restaurants and ancient doors.

There were certainly people around but not huge crowds and it was easy to mooch along exploring the little laneways which always seemed to open onto a large piazza.
In what seemed to be the main town square we sat at a nice little cafe for lunch and along came an Italian bride and groom with their wedding photographer for some photos at the large well in the centre of the square.

Most of the tourists who had been sitting there moved away to give them their photos and there were a lot more cameras clicking than just the official photographer's. Then they were treated to a round of applause from the watching crowd.

There are a couple of vantage points where the views are superb

So we snapped away with gay abandon.
Aren't digital cameras wonderful ?

Grape vines and olive trees as far as the eye can see. 

Even the lizards are green !!!

We headed home planning to shop for dinner and bread for breakfast from our local store only to find every single business in our town closed !
I "spoke " to  a couple of ladies in the street who didn't speak any English. They told me everything was " chiuso" - closed. 
When I managed to indicate that I was looking for food the old lady became worried I was hungry and wanted to get me some bread and meat from her kitchen ! Dear old thing !
Anyhow we were about to set off back to San Gimignano as we only have carrots left at home when we discovered one of the local restaurants opening up for dinner. 

Perfect !
and the food was lovely. 
Pasta and strawberries for dessert.

Delicious !




  1. From the beauty of blue to the beauty of green. Your photos are lovely and make me want to pack my bags and head off to Tuscany. How fun to see the bride and groom at the well. Glad you didn't stay hungry that night!

    1. Yes, it is lovely. Difficulty with staying in a small village is there is only one shop for food - called COOP. Not a lot of variety and no English spoken so an adventure !

  2. This where we stayed last time we were in Tuscany.We stayed in a hotel there and then rented a cottage in Lucca for a week.You are so making me want to go back.The scenery takes your breath away.Can't wait to see where you go tomorrow .....and the next day....

  3. Going out for dinner is much better than eating carrots!

    1. You are dead right Elizabeth ! Not much danger of us starving!

  4. those views are breath taking!

    1. Just like everybody tells you. Nice to see it in person.

  5. What a wonderful place! Those views are amazing.

  6. That Brides dress is stunning . So different . Who would have thought to put purple accents in a wedding dress!

    1. Very different. Thought the purple veil was a bit odd though.

  7. Beautiful Tuscany with such spectacular scenery. The old well is just gorgeous, a lovely back drop for wedding photos.
    Anne xx

    1. It was a lovely backdrop. She'll be featuring in lots of holiday pics too !

  8. The generosity of warms the heart and restores the faith that there are still some good people left in our world. :)

    Again, beautiful photos.

    1. Yes, I thought it was lovely of her too Lee seeing as I was a total stranger and don't look like I'm starving !

  9. Ah yes. Your photos bring back happy memories of some wonderful holidays in Tuscany .... San Gimignano is lovely!


  10. San G was my favourite of everywhere inTuscany so far Jeanne.

  11. Found it! And I hadn't seen these Tuscany and Venice posts before either. I LOVE Venice and have been to most of these places in Tuscany too: San G, Siena, Florence. I am coming back to read this later, and admire the stunning pictures!

  12. Glad you are enjoying them Foody
