Monday, January 6, 2014


 It seems that 2014 has started off with some crazy weather in several different parts of the world.
Here, we are sweltering in record high temperatures.
Luckily, here in Queensland, we don't suffer much from the dreadful bushfires that plague the southern states though as I write this there is a large fire burning on Stradbroke Island causing havok and evacuations of the large number of families holidaying there.
It is Summer holiday time here so many people are staying at the beach where they can at least swim in pools and the ocean to cool down ( being ever careful not to get too sunburnt ).
The rest of us stay inside our airconditioned homes,
or spend the day in airconditioned shopping centres,
or go to the movies ( air-con there too !!),
photo from The Sunday Mail
or the local public pool where the water temperature has risen to luke warm.
Outside, the air feels like it is on fire as a hot wind is blowing too.

However on the other side of the globe in the Northern Hemisphere the USA is experiencing huge snow storms
I have no understanding of weather this cold but realise the dangers it can present with trying to get warm and stay safe.

Many parts of the UK, especially parts of Wales and the South of England, are suffering flooding and storm damage from huge seas .

I can't imagine how awful it must be to cope with being flooded when it is also freezing cold.
So not a good start to the year for many people.
Hope where ever you are,
you are safe and sound.



  1. The wind and rain here are horrible - last night the wind and rain pounded against the roof and I was worried that the rain might get under the tiles or through the skylight. Luckily we are high here so not flooded but going anywhere is difficult as so many roads are flooded. Mind you I think I'd rather be here than in 40+ degree temperatures!!

    1. Knew you wouldn't be flooded Jane but glad you haven't sprung any leaks either. I imagine everyone will have colds and flu next so look out and stay healthy.

  2. 40 degrees is very hot indeed, and it cant be easy for older folk to keep cool. My son in Sydney says i has been the hottest Christmas yet.

    1. It is very hot Elizabeth and we complain a lot but we do have air-conditioning (expensive electricity !!) and swimming pools and fans so we are lucky. It's the old folk who close themselves inside without these that suffer worst.

  3. Very good post! I didn't realize the weather was bad all over. Here, we are having unusually cold weather. Sunday, the high was in the low 50's F. Today, Monday, the high is supposed to be 15 F. I'm hoping my water doesn't freeze. I've left it running as the temp is not supposed to get above freezing until Wednesday. There is just a smattering of snow outside. Leo woke up and whined to go outside. I explained it was too cold but he only understands "come here" and "no." I let him out thinking he probably wanted to go potty as he hates the litter box. He stayed out about two minutes and was ready to come back inside. He shivered as he walked back through the door.

    The picture of the guys in the water - the one with the hat on is great. Good idea! I like warm weather but that kind of heat is too hot for me. I think I would be dusting off my old cloth hat and kicking back in the ocean too.

    1. Sounds like you are doing OK weatherwize then David. Personally I love cold weather and we always go overseas when it is cool there - you won't find me travelling anywhere when it is Summer there but we haven't managed a cold Christmas yet. One day though !

  4. We do seem to be having some awful weather around the world. Here in the UK the rain and wind as been bad but we have been lucky her in West Yorkshire.
    keep cool!

    1. Yorkshire is blessed in so many ways ! My favourite part of England.

    2. Helen - you are a very good judge of places!

  5. Yes. Fine thank you Helen. I wonder if you have ever heard the phrase "I'm all right Jack - pull up the ladder!" Well that's how smug I am feeling about the weather right now. Smugness is one of my least endearing qualities.

    1. I've heard the first part YP ( used a lot here ) but not the bit about pulling up the ladder.

  6. There is always something to talk about with the weather isn't there?! My patch of England is very lucky, we never suffer flooding really - only on flood plains and fields and being in the middle, we often find ourselves right underneath the colliding weather fronts and often, the better side falls on us! I can't begin to imagine how awful it must be to have your home flooded, especially for those south of me to whom it happens regularly these days.

    1. Your home getting flooding must be awful at any time Louise but when it's freezing cold? Everyone will be sick next . Poor things .

  7. That's too hot for comfort! I'd find it hard to cope, I think.
    As you know, we've got terrible storms and floods all over the UK. Thankfully, we're fine here on the Wirral, just soaked. Looking forward to Spring!

    1. Well we are running towards it Kathy but yhere is probably more yuk weather ahead first. We always think that February is our worst for heat and humidity.

  8. It isn't the temperature here that bothers me, although it is very warm, it is the complete absence of the rainy season. Now we are going to have to wait until April/May to see what the autumn rains bring. Even the wild bees are gasping and will swarm round the dripping kitchen tap if I leave the window open.

  9. I've been snuggled up by my computer with a heater blasting at my feet. It's not cold here in Central California...has been 65 for a month...but reading about everyone else's experiences in subzero weather has made me very chilly. Poor, spoiled me. Actually we all seem to get our share of some kind of nasty weather sooner or later, it's just easier to commiserate now that we have the internet.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 65 sounds pretty good to me too Jan - in fact it seems almost perfect !

  12. I think I'd rather have our freezing cold at the moment, but I am sure that will change as it isn't expected to get above freezing until the weekend. As I type this the temperature outside is hovering around 4F, but reading your post I can feel that heat of over 40c! The last time I was home in Perth my youngest said it felt like someone had turned the outside into an oven! Now here it is like a deep freezer, but he is happy they cancelled school again tomorrow. The weather sure has gone mad in 2014.

    1. Luckily the horrible heat has gone now Louise and it's down to 28 C so not unpleasant at all..... but we have February to endure yet so we are crossing our fingers. Your cold sounds amazing. Stay safe and warm.

  13. Yes it's been hot but at least it should be cooler here for the rest of the week. On Sunday, even though it wasn't so hot we had to close up the house and keep the aircon on because of the smoke from the fire on Stradbroke Island.

    1. Glad to have some respite now Marg. That smoke must be awful.

  14. Lots of devastation at the coast. Very windy and wet in my little patch here but I'm a bit more protected from west winds than in town.
    I wonder if you could get a paddling pool, fill it with cold water and lie around in it all day. It'll turn you all wrinkly though!

    1. Ha ! Ha ! The water in the pool would soon be luke warm and the air outside is just too hot . Luckily it is over for now so I'll stop complaining !
