Saturday, January 11, 2014


I know I have not been posting much recently... well for the last few months actually.
Life is just rolling along and nothing very eventful has been happening
I recently received an email which began:
 "Hi Helsie,
How are you? After visiting your website, I would like to ask if you are interested in a new blog post for Helsie's Happenings. If that is the case, I would love to contribute. "
You mean write a post FOR me on my blog ??????
How weird is that ?
It went on to say :
 "This content that I would like to produce for Helsie's Happenings will cost nothing. "
It went on to ask if there was any particular topic that I would like the post to be about and offered to research any topic I chose.
Truely strange ( and just a wee bit scarey )
and I'm just letting you know that all the content of this blog is written
for better or worse,
by ME !
I wonder if anyone else out there has had an offer like this ?
PS. It is only 15 weeks till we fly out for our holiday in ITALY - but who's counting ??


  1. In the U.S., a thing call "guest blogging" is really common. In the cases I've seen it is only done by bloggers who know each other. I did read one blog once where the blogger said she would "guest blog" for anyone. She said just send her an e-mail.

    1. I don't know this person David. Her name is Melissa and she calls herself "Missi" . I think she lives in the USA.

    2. After thinking about it some, I don't know how these people do it unless the blog owner gives them access to their blog. Maybe this is a scam trying to get your login ID and password.

  2. Why would anyone want to do that? If they want to write a blog post they could have their own blog couldn't they? What's in it for them I wonder;

    1. Marigold, the legitimate ones do it for exposure. I guess they think they can impress a lot more people with a blog than with a comment. The ones I've seen always say who the guest blogger is...

  3. I will also be happy to write a blogpost for you and therefore save you the trouble of doing it. Please choose between:-
    a) How to drain an oil sump and change filters
    b) The tourist mugging industry in Italy
    c) Replacing a central heating boiler
    d) Intimate confessions of Tony's first girlfriend
    Please let me know which one you want so that I can continue my research and craft a superb blogpost for the delight of your readers.

    1. Cross d) off your list Pudd, Helen was my first and still is my only girlfriend !

    2. May as well go through the whole list....

      a) when the oil needs changing we sell our car
      b) tourist mugging in Italy we will experience first hand in 15 weeks
      c)central heating and boilers is not a high priority in Australia with top temps of 43 degrees Celsius.

    3. Helen - please convey my apologies to your master for any offence caused with regard to option (d). Concerning option (b) I have taken the trouble to paste some British government advice about travel to Italy - "There are high levels of petty crime (particularly bag snatching and pick-pocketing) in the big city centres. This often involves co-ordinated gangs including minors. Targets are often hassled and jostled to distract them, while other members of the gang go into action.

      Take care on public transport and in crowded areas in Rome, especially around the main railway station ‘Termini’ and on the number 64 bus, which goes to and from St Peter’s Square.

      Be particularly vigilant on trains to and from the main airports in Italy (especially Fiumicino airport) and when unloading your baggage from trains and coaches. Thieves sometimes rob sleeping passengers on overnight trains."

    4. Thanks for the heads up about Italy. Tony has just read advice about bus 64 on another website. All these warnings could make a person a bit aprehensive about travelling to Italy, let's just hope we don't encounter any trouble.

  4. How strange!
    Italy sounds wonderful, lots of photos needed I think!

  5. That is a bit spooky!!!! Looking forward to popping by to see lots of lovely Italy photos in just a few weeks!!!! I love my virtual trips :-) ROs

  6. It's probably advertising something.

  7. It doesnt sound quite legitimate - Ive guest posted a number of times on other people's blogs but usually they approached me with a topic in mind and I knew who they were !

  8. I get these unsolicited requests all the time and just ignore them. At first I used to visit their blogs, if they had one, and quickly realised they were generally off the wall nutters. I received one this morning asking me to allow a guest post about something called 'Lung Leavin Day', I quote;

    "The purpose of LungLeavin’ Day is to encourage others to face their fears! Each year, we gather around a fire in our backyard with our friends and family, write our biggest fears on a plate and smash them into the fire"

    I realise that cast iron plates are difficult to smash but if I ever attended one of these fireside gatherings for weirdo's, I would take one along and smash heads instead!

  9. I actually think this person must be promoting some product or other but I'm just sending the email to the junk mail bin.
