Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Open up the shutters and greet the new day,

the first day of 2014.

Set the table and make preparations.

All is ready.

Call the guests to the table

and celebrate friendship and the New Year by eating brunch together.

Here's hoping the year ahead provides us with lots of great times with friends and family.

Happy New Year once again.....

Now,..... any New Year's Resolutions ????

No 1:  Do more of the above !!

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  1. Happy New Year to you too! How wonderful to open the windows to a sunny day on January 1st - here it is still dark and pouring with rain can I pop round to yours?!!!

    1. I'll put the kettle on Jane so I'm ready for you. You are very welcome to drop by here any time but unless you like to sizzle January might be too big a shock to your system !!

  2. Very hot and sunny here too! I love your veranda. My resolution was to stop smoking. I haven't had a ciggie since midnight. For a fifty a day man, that in itself is good going!

    1. You have done amazingly well so far Tom. Keep it up. There are a large number of people out there in the blogosphere who are cheering you on. I wish I could apply a fraction of your mental strength to my weakness and lose some weight. Perhaps if I put a photo of you on my fridge to spur me on ???

  3. Happy New Year to you too! May the new year be full of creativity and health. I love the look of your veranda. It´s been gray and rainy here for the last four weeks except one sunny day yesterday :-(. Enjoy the summer! Hugs Kirsten

    1. Thanks Kirsten. A very Happy New Year to you too. In our climate we coulsn't survive without an outdoor living space and we use ours for most of the year....... except at the moment the temperature is 37 - 40 so we are staying inside with the air conditioning on.

  4. I think that's you in your element, Helsie. Getting together with people and making them food. Well done and I hope you have a great year with plenty more of the same.

    1. Thanks Foody. Friends and family are what makes the world go round and I treasure them all - you included !

  5. Wow, nice area! Your friends look cheerful and happy. Friends, food and conversation...there's not much better. Your Happy New has already begun.

    1. Absolutely right David. I'm starting the year the way I intend to continue it. Pleased to have made a new friend in you this year.

  6. Happy New Year. The weather has been magnificent. I totally agree, more of friends and family getting together is a lovely thing to work on for 2014.

  7. Thanks Louise. I hope 2014 is great for you.

  8. It's been a good year hasn't it Marg. An eventful one for you . Hope 2014 is full of fun and good things for you too.

  9. Hello Helsie,
    I read your comment on Barbara's blog (Cornish Cream) about freezing chicken bones until garbage pickup day and had to see where you lived. We do that here in the summer, too. But these days, on the west coast of Canada, the days are grey and dull and cool enough to skip the freezing step.
    I enjoyed scrolling through your blog and seeing all the lovely sunshine and bright colours you are enjoying these days.
    Happy New Year!

  10. A lovely way to start the new year. Who is that handsome dude in the white shirt at the other end of the table?

  11. Hello there Helen! Happy New Year to you! Your table looks wonderful. I have no doubt the food tasted good to! Ros
