Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Well, there's another year flown by sooo quickly.

It's 6:45pm here in Brissy.
It's been a warmish day but nothing like the 36+C  heat of yesterday.

This is the view out toward the south- west over our neighbour's roof.

The sun is setting for the last time in 2013.

Wishing you all a wonderful  2014.

Happy New Year !
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  1. Same to you Helsie, and to your family and friends. Now 10ish here and there's a band playing somewhere - down at the rugby clubrooms I think. Time to have a cuppa and pop to bed with a good book. I love new year's eve now I'm older and don't have to stay up if I don't want to!

  2. Happy New Year to you all. You will of course be in 2014 10 hours before us. Hope it will be a good one for us all. That is a beautiful sunset hope it bodes well for the first day of 2014.

  3. Still thirteen hours to go for us here in Angola.

    Have a wonderful evening and all the best for the New Year!

  4. Nice sunset Helen. Happy New Year!

  5. It's still Tuesday morning here. It's a big world.

    I like the picture a lot - it's really appropriate for today. Makes me think about all the things that has happened this year - my first year of blogging; things I did right and things I did wrong. Hopefully I'll take a lesson from both.

    Hope you and Tony all the best for the new year! Thank you for being my friend in this cyber world.

  6. May 2014 bring you and Tony all good things xx

  7. Happy New Year to you and Tony - I hope it's a good one!

  8. Happy New Year Helen to you and your family!
