Saturday, December 28, 2013


Well, that's Christmas done for another year.

Many thanks for all your good wishes.
I've been without a computer for almost a week so I'm tripping round the blogs to see how you are all doing.

Despite the leadup being very hot and uncomfortable Christmas Day was pleasantly warm with a nice breeze.
We spent a fairly quiet day with Mum and Dad and my brother and his partner -eight of us in all.
The oldies made it through to 2 o'clock and then went off home for a snooze.
(I have to confess to a snooze myself - in airconditioned comfort - very relaxed !)

We put out all the food again about 7 o'clock and managed to polish off another lot before staggering home to our apartment on the beachfront.

Boxing Day

Ah , the day when you are allowed to sit around and do nothing if that's what you want to do.

Later in the day we strolled along the beach to a delightful cafe

where we managed to consume still more food while looking out on this view.

The beach was almost deserted.

 A lovely spot to unwind and just   b r e a t h e . . .

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  1. What a contrast to here! Lucky lucky you! Lovely tranquil beaches, blue sky and sunshine. Good job you didn't get you wish to spend Christmas in the northern hemisphere this year as it hasn't been cold but so wet and windy and everything here ground to a halt!
    Happy New Year.

    1. -Oh Jane Tony's sister has spent Christmas in London. She found the weather / storm on the run up to Christmas quite a challenge but they have had a wonderful time having a cold climate Christmas. We were quite envious!

  2. The weather looks great Helen. I am glad you had a good holiday break.

    1. Fine but too hot for me Carol. Don't know how you cope with humidity but I don't ( cope that is !!) Are you beginning to feel a bit rested after your busy year?

    2. Yes thanks Helen ~ very rested. The holidays will be over before I know it, and another teaching year will start. Happy New Year ~ stay cool in that heat.

  3. Sounds and looks(!) like a really nice day. How did you and Tony manage to stay out of the water? I think the only thing that would keep me out would be sharks or some other baddie.

    1. No sharks David but Hervey Bay is a great place for Humpback whales who love to rest and play in the bay on their way back to Antarctica with their newborn babies. The water looks good but is quite shallow for about 50 yards or so. Not great for swimming on low tide but OK to cool off in.

    2. Oh! If you ever see any of the whales I hope you have your camera with you and post pictures.

  4. What lovely blues. Glad it went so well for you. I had a snooze on the fireside rug too!

    1. Over for another year. Heading into the very hot weather now till the end of February - don't enjoy that at all !!!

  5. Happy new year to you and your family xxx

    1. Thanks Lyn. Happy New Year to you and yours too.

  6. I slept for most of Boxing Day your pictures of that beautiful beach. I should have been there reading a book instead of curled up snoring on my lounge !

    1. I think snoring is a great way to spend Boxing Day. So is reading a book. Just try to stay away from those leftovers !!

  7. I sewed on Boxing Day, very relaxing. Sounds like you had a lovely time in Hervey Bay.

  8. It sounds like you've had the most wonderful Christmas, yummy food and lots or relaxing.
    Anne xx

    1. Yes, Anne it has been good. Hope you enjoyed yours with your family.

  9. All that eating! For January, I prescribe two lettuce leaves and a cherry tomato a day. It's payback time young lady!
