Saturday, December 21, 2013


Tomorrow - Sunday - I'm off to Hervey Bay where we will spend Christmas with my brother and Mum and Dad.
The drive usually takes for four and a half hour so here's hoping the traffic won't be too bad with families travelling to the beach for Christmas turning it into a marathon.
Wishing all my wonderful blogging buddies all over the world
a wonderful Christmas spent with the people you love
and a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year.
from Helsie
 ( and Tony !)


  1. My Elder, Daughter-in-law and Grand Baby drove in from Houston just last night. It's fun and busy around here. Hoping you and Tony an easy drive and great Christmas fun!

    1. Sounds great David. Have a lovely time with them all. Merry Christmas !

  2. Safe driving Helen. Once you get past Caboolture the car park should thin out, though they all probably headed off today, so Sunday was good thinking. Have a lovely Christmas with your family.

  3. Safe travels. Warm Christmas wishes as you share you days with those you love.

  4. Will you be going to Vic Hislop's Shark Show - "You will be amazed!" - especially if you fall in the tank! Have a lovely Christmas Helen! Regards to your master.

  5. All the best wishes Helsie and Tony for a lovely Christmas - from just across the ditch here in New Zealand.

  6. Hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family.

  7. Merry Christmas Helen to you and your family. Enjoy !

  8. Merry Christmas Helen, my fingers are crossed that the Bruce Hwy won't be a car park. I left Bris at 4.30am yesterday to avoid the traffic. A little extreme, but it worked!

  9. Have a most wonderful and merry Christmas with your family Helsie! We are so excited about our trip to Italy next spring. Maybe we can get together if our schedules overlap. We may add some extra days to the front of our trip while we are in Rome. So we can see Pompeii etc. I love saying that, "While we are in ROME!" Ha! I'll have to send you our travel schedule so we can see if we are in the same location at the same time while we are both there. Now I have to get in shape so I can climb those Italian hills.

  10. A merry Christmas to you too! I have just zoomed down a couple of your posts. Loved the bright flowers and lights in your last but one post. Nice fruity breakfast too. Have you gone all healthy? It's nice to be back here.

  11. Here's hoping your travels have been safe and your holidays are filled with family, friends & laughter.

    Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
