Wednesday, December 11, 2013


No Christmas decorations going up here.
No, not even a Christmas tree !!
We'll be away in Hervey Bay for Christmas and I just can't see the point.
Not my favourite time of year - too hot to bother with Christmas.
I need to go somewhere it's cold to see what it's like to bustle around and cook and gather the family and be cosy. ( I'll need to take them all with me !!)
One day I hope.
But until then
this .......
is the only thing that's RED around here !



  1. Does it get cold enough in June? could have your own Christmas on 25th June..............
    Julie xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I will trade! Tonight's forecast is for freezing fog. I didn't know there was such a thing. Maybe it is a new name for frost. The low is supposed to be about 20 degrees F so shouldn't be that bad but my son who never gets cold said, "Dad, it is COLD outside." If that weren't proof enough my cat who also loves the cold came in shivering and is now curled up asleep upstairs.

    Your red flowers are pretty. It is fine they are the only red thing there. The only red thing here are noses.

  3. We're experiencing bitter cold -11 this morning and windy. I didn't put up much for Christmas either. We leave Christmas eve for my daughters, Christmas day at our son's, then to Arizona for a warm winter stay!!!

  4. Well have a lovely time in Hervey Bay.
    Hmmm, true, "Deck the halls with eu-cal-lyp-tus, falalalala,lala,la,la!" doesn't quite have the same ring to it ... does it?

  5. You would love Christmas in England. Have you ever seen the film "The holiday" where 2 girls swap homes for Christmas, one from L.A and one from Surrey, England. I think you might like it.

  6. At least it's not particularly hot today, although the humidity is through the roof, yuck. I've really loved this summer so far, we have had the most brilliant afternoon sea breezes that have kept the house nice and cool. Maybe you should move to the coast!
    I was thinking about having a winter Christmas in the UK next year until my mum pointed out the downsides, which is not much daylight, bloody cold and probably not much snow so it won't look pretty either.
