Monday, December 2, 2013


Carol from "The Week that Was in Aus " has kindly given me a SUNSHINE  award for creativity and positivism !
Why thank you Carol, I am flattered to receive such a sunny award.
As with these blogging awards there are eleven questions to be answered and then the award to be passed on.
Here are the questions that Carol has passed to me to answer:-

1. What do you love about blogging? I love that blogging provides me with a glimpse into the lives of fellow bloggers all over the world. I have a set of blogging buddies - some of whom I have been lucky enough to meet - who I now consider friends.
2. Who is the most interesting person you have met in real life and why? I'm really struggling to answer this one, I meet many people who are interesting in many ways but I guess I find people who have travelled the world a lot the most interesting.

3. Who is your favourite author and can you recommend one thing I should read of theirs? A difficult question for a lover of reading. The trilogy by Adriana Triggiani comes to mind starting with Big Stone Gap. These have to be mong my all time favourites
4. Newspapers, radio or Breakfast TV?  I'm a breakfast TV girl. I put the TV on as soon as I wake up and it just goes in the background till 9 o'clock. "Sunrise" on Channel 7 is my choice. Current affairs, news and weather all covered. Newspapers are unreliable and often incorrect and the news usually comes with vision that newspapers just can't deliver.
5. What is your favourite cake? Ahhhhh a simple chocolate cake is hard to beat ..but not mud cake . Too heavy!
6. One thing you would still like to learn? A foreign language !I'd love to speak French without feeling embarassed that I'm making a fool of myself. I'm trying a bit of Italian to get ready for my trip next year.

7. What was your first job? A Christmas job in the city as a shop assistant in a handbag shop at the age of 15. Spending money for the holidays and a great confidence builder for a very shy teenager.
8. One place you would like to visit again before you die? Paris ! Always Paris, the most wonderful city in the world !
9. Can you speak a language other than English? I wish. I can make myself understood with broken French with a very bad accent. Wish I had taken more notice at school !!!!!
10. The first album you bought with your own money. Can't remember and never have been a real collector. Probably something of the Beatles. 
11. What is your favourite flower? Irises. The blue/purple and yellow ones. "Dutch " irises ?? 
~ ~ ~
The usual thing is to pass these awards along but I know that many people are not keen on this so I'm going to leave this bit to those people whose blogs I read and those of you who read this blog.
I think Bloggers are ALL positive and creative people. 
If you would like to answer the list of questions below and pass the SUNSHINE AWARD for  POSITIVITY and CREATIVITY along consider yourself nominated.
What you have to do if you want to accept the SUNSHINE AWARD

 *Copy and paste the questions I have listed for you to answer.
*Post your answers on your blog.                             
*Share the fun by passing the SUNSHINE AWARD on in some way. 

Oh, and here's a little sunny flower symbol to go with the award !

Here are your questions:-
1. What is your favourite thing to do, the one that brings you peace and happiness? 
2. What is your preferred form of art?
3. What was the last great book you read?
4. Do you like to cook and what is your best dish?
5. Are you a water person? Do you like to swim?
6. Are you an early riser or a night owl?
7. What do you prefer coffee or tea?
8. If you had the time would you go hiking and hitch-hiking around the world?
9. Do you like going to the Cinema and which is your favourite movie at the moment?
10. Are you on a diet?
11. Would you say you have a healthy life style?
There you go.
The ball's in your court as they say!


  1. I'm not applying for the award as I've got something in the works now. Just wanted to say I liked reading your replies. If anyone had asked me those questions about you, I could have answered a couple of them correctly. So yeah, you really do get to know people blogging.

    Speaking of that your questions are great. They show how we get to know each other. :)

  2. I'm not into awards but always enjoy people answering the questions. I'd have to agree with your view on Paris, rather speccy isn't it!
    Anne xx

  3. Im with you on the chocolate cake...and not mud cake either. I really dont like mud cake. I love reading people's answers to questions like this. Makes me feel like I really am getting to know them better!

    1. I also love reading people's responses to these sorts of questionaires... fun and personal, yet we know you wanted to share!

      I'm going to have to get going and do it too, as I also have been 'sunshined'.

  4. Love sharing your thoughts and ideas. Chocolate cake....... all the way!!!!! ROs
