Thursday, October 31, 2013



This is a stage that I really like.
Lots of pinning then off you go!

Creating lots of nine patch blocks in my favourite colour combination - blue and yellow.

Probably about half way there with the nine patches.

Then it will be time to cut them into four pieces, mix them up  and sew them back together again.

It's a crazy business this patchworking !!

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Friday, October 25, 2013


Yes, it's that time of year again.

The time when the beautiful Jacarandas all over Brisbane

burst into glorious purple bloom.

The ones above are on a golf club where they are able to water the fairways from the large dams they have put in for that purpose.

The rest are doing their best to make up for the lack of green grass as we haven't had a drop of rain since July.
Beautiful aren't they?

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Friday, October 18, 2013


Herald photographer Phil Hearne captured this moment where exhausted firefighters collapsed for a moment's rest. 


This is my brand new, lovely bed with a good firm mattress
recently purchased to ensure that the horrible back trouble I recently experienced will not happen again.

Isn't it pretty?

However a problem has arisen.
My quilt,
the first quilt I ever made,
 is a bit small.

Too small in both directions!

So I've been collecting material
(in blue and yellow of course)
to make a new bigger and better quilt.

It's going to be a "Dissappearing Nine Patch" quilt.

I've cut strips of material 4 inches wide and 12 inches long,
matched the colours in pairs and sewn them together.

Next I'll cut them into strips 4 inches wide and turn them into 9 patches.
I'll get two 9 patch blocks from this.

Here are some of the combinations so far.

I've found quite a few of very pretty materials -
 mostly from my favourite quilting shop in Hervey Bay


Well that's today's batch sewn.
Back to work pinning the next batch.
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Thursday, October 17, 2013


None of today's photos are mine, they are all taken from the Internet.

The photos today speak  for themselves.

Terrifying bushfires are sweeping through huge areas of NSW bush

burning all in their path.

Firemen and women,

are all that stand between these awful fires and people's homes and possessions .

Putting their lives on the line in awful conditions.

Fighting blazes like this.

Not always winning the battle.

A huge pall of smoke comes in from the west

 to blot out the sun over Sydney. 

Terrible times.
Let's hope they are over soon
without loss of life.

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Monday, October 7, 2013


To say that I was thrilled when this arrived in the mail today would be a huge understatement.

This is the photobook  of our holiday that I have made using Blurb.
Above is the front cover and below is the back cover.

It is a very large hard cover book with 162 pages and contains nearly 900 photos.

On the first page I placed a map that showed our route maked in with a pen.

I used our holiday diary which we religiously write up every night after we download our photos onto Tony's iPad.
The pages are approximately 30cm by 27cm ( 12in by 10.5in )

and the arrangement of photos and text is completely up to the individual

The quality of paper and photo production is superb

giving us a delightful coffee table book full of wonderful memories.

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Saturday, October 5, 2013


This is a photo of just a small section of the crowd that lined every vantage point of Sydney's beautiful harbour to watch the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Royal Australian Navy.
Yes, our navy is only 100 years old !
Reminds you what a young country Australia is doesn't it ?

From the Sydney Daily Telegraph:

CAPTAIN Arthur Phillip's eyes must have widened to the size of dinner plates when he sailed through Sydney Heads in February 1788 - the first European sailor to glimpse the world's most spectacular harbour where "a thousand sail of the line may ride in the most perfect security".

It certainly was the place to celebrate this milestone anniversary.

A huge flotilla took part in yesterday's salute including a replica of Captain Cook's " Endeavour"
photographed here earlier in the week passing under the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Tall ships joined the huge lineup of RAN ships making up the Naval Fleet Revue

while RAN planes and helicopters filled the sky and small boats buzzed around the bigger ships like bees.
Joining our newly elected Prime Minister and Governor-General was this chap,

on his best behaviour.
An Aussie favourite, his visit was very short - just 36 hours -
but the Prime Minister's family

 and a few other Aussies managed to meet him before he jetted off to Perth this morning.

Last night's fireworks and laser display was wonderful with the sails of the Opera House being used as a screen where the history of the navy was played out in words and pictures all accompanied by a stirring musical score that included The Last Post and the Australian Anthem sung by a female member of the navy.

Well done Sydney
 and Happy 100th Birthday RAN.

all photos today from the Internet.