Saturday, October 5, 2013


This is a photo of just a small section of the crowd that lined every vantage point of Sydney's beautiful harbour to watch the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Royal Australian Navy.
Yes, our navy is only 100 years old !
Reminds you what a young country Australia is doesn't it ?

From the Sydney Daily Telegraph:

CAPTAIN Arthur Phillip's eyes must have widened to the size of dinner plates when he sailed through Sydney Heads in February 1788 - the first European sailor to glimpse the world's most spectacular harbour where "a thousand sail of the line may ride in the most perfect security".

It certainly was the place to celebrate this milestone anniversary.

A huge flotilla took part in yesterday's salute including a replica of Captain Cook's " Endeavour"
photographed here earlier in the week passing under the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Tall ships joined the huge lineup of RAN ships making up the Naval Fleet Revue

while RAN planes and helicopters filled the sky and small boats buzzed around the bigger ships like bees.
Joining our newly elected Prime Minister and Governor-General was this chap,

on his best behaviour.
An Aussie favourite, his visit was very short - just 36 hours -
but the Prime Minister's family

 and a few other Aussies managed to meet him before he jetted off to Perth this morning.

Last night's fireworks and laser display was wonderful with the sails of the Opera House being used as a screen where the history of the navy was played out in words and pictures all accompanied by a stirring musical score that included The Last Post and the Australian Anthem sung by a female member of the navy.

Well done Sydney
 and Happy 100th Birthday RAN.

all photos today from the Internet.


  1. Helsie, you have a gift for doing this sort of thing. I got right into the celebration. Your presentation was just great and so were the pictures.

  2. Well done Helsie, you have done the country proud. :)

    1. You beat me to it Carol, read yours early this morning.

  3. What a contrast the Sydney Opera House made with the tall ships modern and ancient together. As the previous comments say you do this sort of thing so well and your pride in your country shines through.

    1. Yes Jane, the contrast struck me too. I would have loved to see it all in person especially the tall ships, I love them.

  4. Congratulations Aussie Navy! A hundred years! Wow! Ours was first formed in the sixteenth century - almost five hundred years ago.
