Monday, October 7, 2013


To say that I was thrilled when this arrived in the mail today would be a huge understatement.

This is the photobook  of our holiday that I have made using Blurb.
Above is the front cover and below is the back cover.

It is a very large hard cover book with 162 pages and contains nearly 900 photos.

On the first page I placed a map that showed our route maked in with a pen.

I used our holiday diary which we religiously write up every night after we download our photos onto Tony's iPad.
The pages are approximately 30cm by 27cm ( 12in by 10.5in )

and the arrangement of photos and text is completely up to the individual

The quality of paper and photo production is superb

giving us a delightful coffee table book full of wonderful memories.

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  1. What a fabulous souvenir of your travels. You can re-live your holiday any time you like and how much nicer than a pile of photos to show to friends and family too. Wish I was as organised - maybe my bus pass trips and Paris visits would make up into a book with Blurb? Mmmn must give it some thought!

    1. I think your Boots, Backpack and Buspass would be a winner Jane. You might even sell a few!!!

  2. What a brilliant souvenir of your travels.

    1. To say I love it would be an understatement Elizabeth.

  3. Isn't that beautiful. Better than pulling photo albums out.

  4. The best thing is that the photos don't fade or become damaged and you can re-live your holiday through the travel diary Carol.
    How was it back at the grindstone today?

    1. Oh it was tough thanks Helen :) I never sleep well the night before going back ~ will I wake up in time for the bus, have I got everything packed etc. And then the child :) we got through, but early night for me. I am going to look at Blurb. Thanks for the tip.

  5. The quality looks excellent and the way you laid it out is just great! The size of the book helped in that respect. No doubt you, your family and your friends will look at it many times.

  6. I love your book. Such a wonderful way to keep memories of your holiday.

    1. It has become part of our holiday ritual Shay.

  7. Wow. That is surely something to be proud of Helsie! I know how much work goes into the organisation of a travel diary like that, having done one (well, it ran to three volumes) of my daughter and my last trip... Well done!

  8. Keeps the memory fresh for us Katherine. Just finished so we'd better go off again so I have a project to work on !!!

  9. PS. Helsie, I don't think I've ever told you but since your rave about Golji berries, I have been able to locate them over here, and have them every morning with my muesli.

  10. Such a wonderful idea. My nephew has just had his European holiday made into a book by Blurb too. I can't wait to see it now after looking at how wonderful yours is.
    Anne xx

    1. I'm sure you have hundreds of lovely photos of your wonderful holiday too Anne, you are such a whiz with a camera. You should give it a go.

  11. Helen...You mentioned photobooks before and that spurred me on to design my own photo book about The Peak District. I got an email just this morning to tell me that the book has been dispatched. I hope the quality is as good as yours. Thanks for the idea.

  12. I'm sure it will be beautiful. You have so many lovely photos YP.

  13. WOW! What an amazing way to keep all the lovely memories fresh in your mind! It looks beautiful. Ros

  14. Oh my goodness! How amazing is that book! Such a treasure to remember your holiday.
