Friday, August 30, 2013


Today is the day we in Oz call the first day of Spring.
The temperature yesterday was 30 degrees here in Brissy so it looks like we are in for a hot Summer.

Last night we farewelled Winter with a chicken and mushroom pie.

Guess we'll be switching to salads from now on .
( that brown stuff near the potato is roasted cauliflower - a bit crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside- lovely )

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  1. Enjoy your anticipation of summer. This weekend we are saying good-by to summer!!! What a large world we live in.

  2. Nice looking pie Helsie. I see you have your followers gadget working again. Well done.

  3. Yum, yum! That looks delicious! Are you going to share? ;-) Ros

  4. It wasn't so warm up on the coast, more like mid 20s. I've completely missed winter this year as I was away for 6 weeks. Other than a few very cold nights since we've been back, it's been very spring-like. That pie looks delicious.

  5. Still feels chilly here. Chicken and mushroom pie is one of my absolute favourites. I am slavering like a Nile crocodile!

    I wish I could make pastry as well as you do. I was about to say that my pastry is always stodgy because of the heat here but if you can produce such flaky pastry in 30 degrees, clearly I am inept!

    1. Have to confess it is store bought, frozen pastry. One of the wonders of living close to civilization !!!

    2. H, it is the result and the satisfaction it provides that counts!

      I think a trip to Shoprite and a dig in their freezers is called for and bugger my pride!

  6. Two days of beautiful Spring weather in Adelaide and now we are back to the cold and showers... back to the warm meals again! Yours looks delicious.
