Thursday, September 5, 2013


This morning I decided it was time to organise my freezer.
In it were several small containers of leftovers.
As a family we don't do leftovers very well.
No-one here wants them on toast for breakfast !
My response to this is to put them into small containers and freeze them then have a pie making session.

I have a great little Pie Maker that I purchased with just this in mind.

I use frozen shortcrust pastry - it's better than any pastry I can make ! 

First I use the special cutter that came with the Pie Maker to cut out the base and top.
I get 2 pies from each sheet of pastry.

This cuts out the base
and the one below does the tops
The bases go in then the filling 

Chichen and Mushroom on the left ( left over filling from the bigger pie earlier in the week)
Beef and Mushroom casserole on the right.

Tops on with little symbols so we know what's inside.

The finished product

The ones with the cross are filled with mashed-together -leftover Shepherd's Pie

A batch of pumpkin soup for the freezer

Earlier in the week I used leftover beef curry to fill these pies and while I had the pastry out  a Lemon Meringue Pie was needed for Fathers' Day. 

So the freezer is now stocked up with pies instead of lots of little containers !
They'll be ideal for Sunday nights or football finals or just those nights when I don't feel like cooking.

and last night's dinner was a healthy stir fry

With that all done the weekend looks like it's taken care of in the food department anyway.

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  1. Helsie, I love this! And I was clueless. I can't tell for sure from the picture but it looks like the pie maker is a small appliance rather than something you put in the oven.

    The pies look scrumptious because the crust looks so good. It's something I've never tried to make and really like. The little cutout you added on the top is great idea too. Thanks!

    1. Yes David, it's a special little appliance... and not an expensive one either. I updated the post with a couple of photos of it to show you.

    2. Thanks for the photos. I'm going to look for it on amazon. I like little appliances a lot. I use my little "toaster" oven way more than the big oven. It has the air circulation thingy and cooks better and faster. Well, for smaller items. You can't put a turkey in it. :)

  2. That's a nifty little gadget. I always end up with tubs of left overs in the freezer, and then forget all about them. This is such a good idea.
    Thanks for your comments over at my place. We loved Switzerland, but found it very expensive. My husband really wants to see the Matterhorn too. Looks like we'll be going back one day.
    Kathy x

  3. Excellent idea Helsie. Leftovers usually become lunch or tea for me the next day. Kids don't do leftovers. The lemon meringue pie looks yum. My favourite.

    1. Yes Carol I used them for lunch when I worked but don't do it now I'm home. Funny that !

  4. Aw, Helsie, still doing lots of imaginative cooking, I see. Well done you. I love the look of it all! Wonder if I should get a pie maker. I was never sure how good they were, but now I see.
    I am sorry I haven't been about for weeks. 'Stuff' just gets in the way sometimes. Sorry I haven't gone back through your older posts today but I'm so glad to see your kitchen is busy and obviously smelling good! Love to you and Tony.

    1. Lovely to hear from you Food. Have you got all that stuff with your Dad straightened out? Hope so and hope you are doing OK. At least you've had a real Summer this year so you can get a few rides in.

  5. My eyes are now peeled for a pie maker. What a fun project, but I'd have to learn to make a low carb crust. I wonder what that stir fry would be like in one of those pies. OH, no, now I'm hungry and it's only 3 in the afternoon. Have a great weekend.

  6. I love pie makers and have one myself. Seriously wonderful invention and great for using up leftover almost anything. Your pies look perfect!

  7. Tomatoe sauce must be part of the pie eating experience ! Hello Foody, hope all is going well in The UK

  8. I think that is an absolutely brilliant idea. Thanks.

  9. I've never seen that appliance before, wonder it they have them in the states? I'll have to look for one!!!

  10. That looks terrific.... how long do they take to cook?

    1. Not long Cro, about 5-7 minutes I guess. The crust cooks evenly as heat is applied from the base and the top so it's nice and crisp.

  11. Oh good grief - that stir fry looks so yummy Helen! ...And I had previously never heard of electric pie-makers! I will get Shirley one for Christmas and maybe a new ironing board too. What do you think?

    1. I expect Shirley is used to gifts like those which demonstrate your generous nature YP. As long as you don't throw in a vacuum cleaner for good measure you might get away with it !!

  12. Those little pies are so clever. Well done. I am sure they will not last long when they are discovered.
