Friday, August 9, 2013


First you make some 9 patch blocks.

Size is your choice. I made mine with 4 inch strips which gave me 10 and a half inch blocks.

Then you cut the blocks in half both ways so you have 4 equal sized square blocks.

(sorry forgot to take photos of this stage )

Then you rejoin the blocks.

In my case I wanted a random pattern so I just mixed them around.



I really like the effect.
This was just a trial  with a pack of fat quarters to see if I liked the way it turned out.
As you can see it is not very big.
About 30 inches by 40 inches so I'll have to add some borders to it.
 I think I'll turn it into a small tablecloth .
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  1. This is going to be a long comment but I want to tell the story so hope it is okay. First, I think your quilt is pretty and interesting and it looks hard to make. At least it would be for me.

    My Mom quilted. Several years before she died she quilted all of her grand children a quilt. My boys were both single at the time and so I stored them thinking the quilts would probably just get lost in the shuffle as they wandered about in the world. Both my sons are settled now and have homes of their own. My Ex and I have been divorced for 20 years but we still have Christmas together with the kids. Last Christmas after opening all the other presents, I gave the quilts to the boys. Everyone loved it. My Ex said it is not often you get a gift from the grave.

    A couple weeks ago when my elder son called, he said my grand daughter who is just walking had gotten into one of the spare bedrooms, the one with the quilt on the bed. He said she loved it! That she would point and try to make words and they had to leave her in there for awhile before she would leave without crying.

  2. Love your nine patches; beautiful colors.

  3. Looking good Helen. Lovely colours.

  4. I love the disappearing nine patch block, it is easy and can look completely different in so many ways.

  5. I had just made up my mind to leave my quilted table runner as 5 and 1/2 inch squares (and not try to do 4 by 4s) and there you post your beautiful project! Now I have to experiment to see the difference! Love your colors and pattern!

  6. That is a nice effect, I like it too!

  7. Thanks for the heads up about how to do a disappearing 9 patch . I've seen them done before and they look really versatile.

    Cute fabrics. This will make a great tablecloth!
