Thursday, August 8, 2013

MIGALOO.... Again!

Yes, it's THAT time again!

Whale Watching time !
The time when the Humpback whales make their journey from Antarctica along the eastern coast of Queensland to the northern tip of Australia where they give birth in the warm waters of the north, mate and finally travel back to Antarctica as the water warms up down there again.

 It's wonderful to hear that Migaloo, the albino whale, has been sighted once again off the far north Queensland coast. (

If you've never heard of Migaloo you might like to read this post.


  1. Amazing to see I am sure. So glad that Migaloo seems to be about again this year too.

  2. I sure would like to see that in person but the pictures are good.

  3. I love this time of year and all the whale sightings. Nature really is remarkable.
