Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Carol from Cairns  started it so I couldn't let the Aussie side down.
Besides Queensland is called " the Sunshine State"
and sunshine is yellow isn't it?
So here are a few things that Queenslanders associate with Yellow !

Has to be the first thing you think of that's yellow if you're an Aussie!

Pineapples and 
Bananas and

Mangoes ! 
The first fruit you think of when you think of Queensland

 Frangipanni florish in Queensland
and Lifesavers
  keep us all safe when we engage in one of our favourite outdoor sports.


  1. I had never heard of Wattle or Frangipanni. I'm not a gardener though. I will ask my nephew next time I see him. Life Savers here is candy that has been around forever although I don't think as popular as it once was. I think our lifesavers are still called life guards. Not sure about that since...and this just occurred to me...it's been a long time since I saw a surfer movie. Oh my God! I just realized - there may be no such thing as Life Savers or surfer movies anymore. Next thing you know horse and buggies for transportation will be gone...

  2. That 'Wattle' looks very similar to the 'Mimosa' that grows here in Spring. The rest I recognised; even the lifeguards!

  3. Helsie, you have done the State proud! All that yellow together does make me smile, and I do love the smell of frangipani trees. I had three of them in my yard in Townsville, and when I went back after selling the house the next owner had cut them down. I was horrified. The first thing I learnt again when moving from BNE to TSV was that shade is your best friend.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @Carol
    People cut down trees, buy a bigger air conditioner, then call me crazy. Go figure.

    Sorry about the deleted comment. My first cup of coffee - couldn't type. :(

  6. I love Frangipani and Queensland does them so well.

    Wattle you can keep - not good for my Spring hayfever !

  7. Oh gosh how much I miss the beautiful golden wattle flowers!

  8. Great post on yellow! Everything is so brilliant it almost hurts the eyes!

  9. Thought you might have included a photo of the current Australian cricket team!

  10. Is your climate similar to the Hawaiian islands, then? If so, you must live in heaven.

  11. Is your climate similar to the Hawaiian islands, then? If so, you must live in heaven.
